
iLocal News Archives


Major Belgian factory investment marks development of new harvester set to enhance arable farm efficiency

CNH Industrial In a major development in high-capacity harvesting set to help large farms gather their crops more efficiently and more sustainably, New Holland Agriculture is to launch worldwide the new CR11 combine harvester, allowing farmers to cover more hectares…

St. K&N sign Samoa Agreement

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis signed the Samoa Agreement at the OACPS Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium Heads of Missions from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Grenada, Niger, the Embassies of Eastern Caribbean States, and Dr. Norbert…

EU-CELAC Summit seeks to strengthen Bi-Regional Partnership

Brussels, Belgium, July 18, 2023 (Press Secretary, St. K&N, PMO)- Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew and his delegation, which includes the Minister of Foreign Affairs et al, the Right Honourable Dr. Denzil Douglas, and the…

Cayman:  Financial Services Ministry Delegation meets EU Stakeholders

Minister of Financial Services and Commerce, the Hon. André Ebanks (centre); Senior Legislative Advisor to the Department for International Tax Cooperation, Mrs Karen Stephen-Dalton; and Government’s Financial Services Representative, Mr Gene DaCosta, met with EU stakeholders in Belgium from 12-…

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Exciting announcement: Forced Labour Protocol ratification updates!

By Herrana Addisu, Freedom United Monday 23 Sept. Today world leaders are gathering in New York at the United Nations. We want them to use this moment to show their commitment to ending forced labor and this is our chance to…

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Communiqué of the 67th Meeting of the OECS Authority

Friday, June 21, 2019 — The Sixty-Seventh Meeting of the OECS Authority was held at the Royalton Antigua Resort and Spa, Antigua and Barbuda, on June 18th 2019, under the Chairmanship of the Honourable Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and…

Events iBusiness iCommunity iFinance iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

EU’s Juncker tells Britain’s May: Brexit deal won’t be renegotiated

REUTERS From CNBC European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told British Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday that the bloc’s Brexit divorce deal with London cannot be renegotiated. “The Withdrawal Agreement remains the best and only deal possible,” Juncker told the…

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Premier and Cayman delegation meet EU representatives

BRUSSELS, Belgium. On Monday Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin and members of the Cayman delegation had discussions with members of the EU Commissions of Moscovici and Dombrovskis along with representatives of the EUís DG Taxud and the Code of Conduct Group….

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From Asia to Caribbean: UN Security Council gets new members in 2019

By Sim Sim Wissgott From CGTN Five new member states are joining the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on January 1 as non-permanent members for two years. Who are they and what can we expect from them? Who are they?…

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Vision Direct reveals breach that skimmed customer credit cards

By Natasha Lomas From TechCrunch European online contact lens supplier Vision Direct has revealed a data breach which compromised full credit card details for a number of its customers, as well as personal information. Compromised data includes full name, billing…