Premier and Cayman delegation meet EU representatives
BRUSSELS, Belgium. On Monday Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin and members of the Cayman delegation had discussions with members of the EU Commissions of Moscovici and Dombrovskis along with representatives of the EUís DG Taxud and the Code of Conduct Group. Discussions were also had with the representatives of Belgium, Cyprus and Luxemberg.

On Monday morning Mr. McLaughlin, Financial Services Minister Hon. Tara Rivers, Attorney General Hon. Samuel Bulgin and the Cayman delegation met with Mr. David Boublil, Mr. Gints Freimanis and Ms Emer Traynor. Mr. Boublil is a member of the Cabinet of Pierre Moscovici, the Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs. Mr. Freimanis is a member of the Cabinet of Valdis Dombrovskis, whose responsibilities include Financial Services and Capital Markets. Ms Traynor is Deputy Head of Unit at the Director General of Taxation and Customs Union (DG Taxud).

Later on Monday the delegation will meet with representatives of the EU Code of Conduct Group, which assesses whether particular jurisdictions have tax regimes that are deemed potentially harmful to EU Member States. Ms Fabizia Lapecorella, the Chair of the Code of Conduct Group, will participate via telephone as she is in Rome. Other members of the group meeting with the Cayman delegation, representing the Chairs Team and the General Secretariat of the Council (GSC), include Mr. Gabriels Annolino (Chairs Team), Mr. Andreas Strub (GSC), Mr. Aloys Rigaut (GSC), Ms Kristi Raba (GSC), and Ms Emer Traynor, representing DG Taxud.
In between the two meetings with EU representatives, the delegation will meet with Mr. Christophe Vinck, Advisor General for Direct Taxation at the Belgian Permanent Representation to the EU. Separate meetings are also planned with Georgia Nikolaou, fiscal attachÈ for direct and indirect taxation at the Permanent Representation of Cyprus to the EU; and also with Ambassador Georges Friden, Luxembergís Permanent Representative to the EU.