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Rotary Grand gets new leader and new District Governor welcomed

EREY.pngIt’s not often that the stars align to give us a double whammy, but that’s exactly what happened on Saturday, 6 July at the Westin.

Not only did we have the traditional annual change over of the presidents of the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman, but we also welcomed officially the new Rotary 7020 district governor to office, Jeremy Hurst.

It has been six years since the Cayman Islands had one of its own as district governor, so combining the two events made for an extra special occasion. Past District Governors include Alastair Paterson (2006/7) and Bob Bodden (1999/2000). President Sebastian Guilbard discharged his duties by thanking Rotarians for their fellowship and support throughout 2012/13, citing it had been an exciting and special year for him.

Jeremy Hurst

In the year, the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman achieved more than 35 community projects, increased the foundation donations from $15,000 to $20,000 and raised more than $4,500 for its polio campaign.

As president, Mr. Guilbard handed the baton over to Stephanie Wight. Ms Wight fulfils a legacy that started with her father.

Ms Wight said she wishes to build on the good work of previous presidents, including that of her late father, who introduced her to Rotary. Stephanie thanked the previous and incoming board for their continued support.

As the new district governor took to the stage to be officially welcomed by Rotarians and guests, the pleasure and pride of assuming the position was evident. His address was poignant, funny and passionate about how we can engage and inspire those around us to live the Rotary motto – service above self – and as with the past and new president he left the stage to a standing ovation.

Awards were presented during the ceremony to the following Rotarians for their service in 2012/2013:

Chris Bailey – Rookie of the Year

Katherine Tathum – Rotarian of the Year

Twenty-two members were honoured for their 100 per cent attendance at Rotary meetings or events throughout the year. Rick Burgos, Benny Moore and Ray Whittaker each have 20-plus years of 100 per cent record of attendance.


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