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Protecting Your Business Data in the Cloud

As most business owners and managers would agree, the ability to store files and documents digitally has provided a host of benefits. You no longer have to worry about the work area being packed to the rafters with filing cabinets and paperwork, less paper means a boost for the environment, and it means you don’t have to allocate valuable resources for tedious tasks such as filing paperwork. However, this does not mean that digital storage of files and data does not come without risks.

There are various issues that can arise when you store files and data digitally, and if you have no backup in place, this can cause massive problems for your business. Fortunately, there are backup solutions that you can turn to such as Veeam cloud backup, and this can provide valuable protection in the event of issues arising with your onsite digital data. In this article, we will look at how you can protect your business by backing up your data and files to the cloud.

How This Solution Can Help

There are lots of ways in which backing up your data to the cloud can prove beneficial and can help to protect your business data. Some of the ways in which it can achieve this goal are:

Protection Against Malicious Attacks

One of the ways in which this solution can help is by providing protection when it comes to malicious attacks. This can be achieved in one of a couple of ways. First off, the security that is in place from third-party servers with cloud providers means that there is less of a chance of your backed up data being affected, and you can also consider solutions such as Object Lock to protect against this. In addition, it means that if your onsite systems are affected by malicious attacks, you can turn to your clean cloud-based backup.

Reducing the Risk of Accidents

Another way in which cloud solutions can help is by reducing the risk of accidents when it comes to your business files and data. If someone accidentally deleted or changes documents on your onsite systems, you can turn to the cloud backup to restore the original ones. In addition, you can use Object Lock to protect the files and data that is backed up to the cloud in order to reduce the risk of accidental deletion and changes being made there by those who have access.

Providing Enhanced Accessibility

An added bonus of cloud backup solutions is that you can benefit from enhanced accessibility to your business files and data. This can prove invaluable if your systems are down in the workplace or you are experiencing issues with service. As long as can get to a place with internet access, you can still access your files from the cloud using any device, so you will not find yourself without access.

These are just some of the many reasons why so many businesses these days turn to cloud solutions for their backup.


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