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Pam Bondi’s non-traditional non-marriage is over [that didn’t happen in Cayman Islands]

all_sizes_fp224_release_18_flickr_-_photo_sharing_jpg_745_461_pixelsBy Kyle Munzenrieder From Miami New Times

Pam Bondi fought tooth and nail to keep gay marriage banned in Florida until she could fight no more. She was a fierce defender of traditional marriage, which caused many to point out that Bondi herself had been traditionally married and traditionally divorced twice and at the time was traditionally engaged to be traditionally hitched a third time. In fact, she held what seemed like a non-official ceremony with her partner Greg Henderson, a multimillionaire doctor, in 2012, causing some outlets to erroneously report that she’s been married three times.

Well now, that particular non-marriage is apparently over as well.

Gossip Extra reports that Bondi moved out of Henderson’s Tampa Bay-area mansion and no longer receives her mail there. Henderson was also absent from Bondi’s swearing in ceremony in January. Though, traditional political journos like the Tampa Bay Times’ Adam Smith noted that they heard the relationship was dunzo months ago.

Bondi made headlines back in 2012 when she flew around 70 guests to the Ritz-Carlton Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands to celebrate … well, something, with Henderson. By all accounts it was supposed to be a wedding. Bondi had been talking openly about planning a wedding for months beforehand, but the two never went through with it.

“Many questions remain about when and why Bondi made the last-minute decision not to get married,” noted the Tampa Bay Times at the time. “Did Bondi bow to conservative critics who felt her jaunt across seas was politically tone deaf? … Did leaks on gossip blogs and social media sites cause the couple to shy from the publicity?”

Bondi replied at the time saying that she had planned to marry Henderson in a small ceremony at a Tampa-area Baptist church, though that never came to be.

Granted, perhaps Bondi’s personal life is of no note to Floridians, but that’s a hard argument to take when one of the biggest issues to face her office during her time in Tallahassee was fighting to keep same-sex marriage illegal in the state.

Bondi, interestingly, is scheduled to make some sort of announcement at a fundraiser tonight. Some speculate she could be launching a run for Senate, though she has previously noted that she will not seek the office.

IMAGE: Bondi at a panther release ceremony. Courtesy of Florida Fish and Wildlife

For more on this story go to:

See also iNews Cayman related stories:
Published June 1 2012 “Pam Bondi did NOT get married in the Cayman Islands and it’s official” at:
Published May 29 2012 “Did THE wedding happen and did you know Cayman Islands is in the Bahamas?” at:


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