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Nokia unveils the one smartphone accessory you’ll actually want to use

nokia-treasure-tag-featBy Brad Reed From BGR

We see countless smartphone accessories released every year but how many of them are actually useful? The latest accessory from Nokia seems like it could really come in handy, however, because it will help you keep track of all the things you’re most likely to use. Nokia’s new Treasure Tags are matchbox-sized tags that you can attach to your keys, wallet and other important items to make sure they never get lost.

The Treasure Tags have two key features: The first is the ability to connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth and NFC and then issue an alarm if you try to leave your house without your tagged items. This means that if you ever bolt outside of your house without your keys or your wallet, your smartphone will remind you to back inside and pick them up.

The second feature is integration with Nokia’s HERE mapping service so you can use your smartphone to track down any items that you’ve lost as long as they’re attached to Treasure Tags.

Nokia is launching the Treasure Tags in April and is selling them for $30 each. The tags will obviously work with all Lumia devices and Nokia says that “there will also be third-party applications for Treasure Tag to support Android and iOS devices.”

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