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Miller wants proof

I hear our Independent member for North Side, Ezzard Miller, is after Mr. Dart again calling on him to produce the invoice his Group received from government for the $5 million it paid recently before the ForCayman Alliance Investment deal had been agreed.

“Lack of respect for the wishes of the Caymanian people” he told his listeners who were very pleased with his message. His audience was at a public meeting in West Bay on Thursday (12) hosted by activists against the controversial closure of the West Bay Road and the crown land swap deal.

“Produce the invoice for the $5 million so the people of this country can know why you paid the Cayman Islands Government $5 million in the middle of the review team reviewing the road project.”

He once again repeated his claim the closure of the West Bay road would bring Dart billions of dollars in future as it would create significant beach front property for the group.

He made no mention of the benefits the Cayman Islands would also get from the deal or how much it would have cost the public purse for implementing these benefits.

His rhetoric once more, “It’s time to start to do things for Caymanians … it is time to stop doing things for everyone else and we just tag along,” got great applause from not the campaigners biggest crowd.

Any so called, “public meeting” organised by the campaigners against the road closure and swap deal will draw nearly all their own supporters. Premier, McKeeva Bush and his UDP party are past masters of this and by their calling it a public meeting can make us pay for it. But he is very careful of his topic and where he holds it. Shouldn’t a “Public Meeting” be organised by an independent body or at the very least have people speaking with opposing views?

I am with Mr. Miller 100% on his “One Man, One Vote” campaign but on this, in view of the present dire circumstances the people and this country is in, I cannot agree with him. The West Bay Action Committee, Save Cayman, the Concerned Citizens Group and the Coalition to Keep Bodden Town Dump Free, are all well meaning people and I respect every one of them. Unfortunately we cannot afford their claims.


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