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Meet Old Spice’s Newest Spokesman: Mr. Wolfdog

mq1By Lauren Indvik, Mashable

Old Spice is looking to appeal to men’s wilder side — and the company is using a wolf to do it.

So to speak. To market its Wild body fragrance collection, the P&G-owned brand has developed a character, Mr. Wolfdog, and appointed him Director of Marketing for Old Spice. Mr. Wolfdog speaks through a “patent-pending” electronic voice collar that translates Wolfdog communication into English, according to P&G. (To see it in action, check out the video, above.)

“Director Wolfdog brings a unique blend of professional, real-world experience and wild attributes that lend themselves perfectly to the fast-paced, innovative world of Old Spice,” Marc Pritchard, global brand-building officer at P&G, said in a statement. “We look forward to tapping his unparalleled animal instincts to further enhance the launch of new Old Spice Wild Collection. We continuously strive to hire the most dynamic talent on earth, and given Director Wolfdog’s fierce track record, he is sure to be a force to be reckoned with at P&G.”

Mr. Wolfdog will be releasing a series of “how to succeed at life” videos this week, and blogging day-to day on his personal Tumblr. He’ll also be interviewing for a personal assistant live on Google+ Hangout this Tuesday.

For those of you skeptical of Mr. Wolfdog’s qualifications, his resume notes that he most recently served as Alpha Male of the Deciduous Forest Pack #13588 in Woods, Mont. and understands bird, although he doesn’t speak or write it.

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