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Man seriously injured in road crash in East End

From RCIPS March 12, 2013 7:30:12 PM CDT

Man seriously injured in road crash – East End

A man is due to be airlifted off island for medical treatment after sustaining serious injuries in a road crash early this morning (12).

The crash happened about 5.50 am when the man’s vehicle left the road and collided with a wall in the vicinity of East Land Drive, East End.

He sustained serious injuries to his back, neck and chest and was conveyed to the Cayman Islands Hospital, George Town. His condition is described as critical, but stable, and arrangements are being made to airlift him overseas for further medical  treatment.

The vehicle was extensively damaged as a result of the crash.

PC Raymond Grant, of Bodden Town police station, is appealing for anyone who was in the area and witnessed the crash to contact him on 947-2240 or 947-2220.


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