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Large Hadron Collider helps confirm ultra-rare particle decay

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London: Scientists have confirmed the ultra rare phenomena of decay in particle physics, which is found just thrice in every billion collisions at the LHC.

The scientists made the observation of the rare transformation of one subatomic particle into another for the first time.

The way this has unfolded has cast doubts on versions of the theory of physics known as Supersymmetry (Susy).

Scientists had been hoping that Susy would have helped explain gaps in the most established theory of the working of the Universe.

The theory Susy proposed was that every particle has a heavier version of itself, which could help explain the mysterious dark matter believed to make quarter of our Universe.

However, the decay rate found had been predicted by the Standard Model even though its now seen as an incomplete description of nature.

Here scientists found a particle named Bs meson, which decayed into two muons for the first time.

The observations at LHCb and CMS were so rare that Bs mesons only decayed into two muons about three times in every billion collisions.

Val Gibson, leader of the Cambridge particle physics group and member of the LHCb experiment, told BBC News it was the rarest decay observed yet.

He said that the reason the decay is so rare is because it doesn’t decay easily into the final quark particles that is known., asserting that it has to go through a loop process, like a quantum loop.

Gibson explained that it is not a straight road however, it has to go round a roundabout before it is able to get to the final state particles.

He added that because it’s got this roundabout in it, it means that other heavy supersymmetric particles can potentially enter the roundabout and make a huge difference to the decay rate.

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