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Justice for Tunisian Woman Assaulted by Police

  • Target: Magistrate Mohamed Ben Meftah
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In Tunisia, police sexually assaulted a woman and then accused her of “indecency” to evade conviction. This is not justice.

On October 3rd, a woman and her fiance found themselves under attack by police officers. Several took the man to an ATM, demanding cash while another raped the woman in the couple’s car.

The officers only started throwing accusations after the couple filed a complaint against them for assault and extortion. Officers claim they found the woman in an “immoral position,” and aim to charge her on a count of “intentional indecent behavior.”

If found guilty, the couple could face six months behind bars. But if their case holds against the police, all officers involved would justifiably receive life sentences.

Tunisia’s police should not get away with taking advantage of their position and targeting an innocent woman.

Tell Magistrate Mohamed Ben Meftah to drop charges of indecency against this woman and treat the situation as what it was– rape.

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