Jennifer Powell graduates with Executive Masters Degree

The Cayman Islands Olympic Committee (CIOC) is pleased to announce that their scholarship recipient Jennifer Powell has graduated from the XIV Master Exécutif en Management des Organisations Sportives (MEMOS) Programme with her Executive Masters in Sport Organization Management.
Jennifer was one of 36 participants selected for the programme, each from a different country.
The MEMOS Programme consists of three one-week residential modules, each lasting 6 days and scheduled over twelve months. Each module took place in a different city; Jennifer traveled to Switzerland, Kenya and France where the course of study was placed under the joint responsibility of the scholar and of a professional.
In addition to the lecture-based modules, Jennifer undertook a yearlong personal project concerning the current sport structure in the Cayman Islands and analysing how the CIOC can do their part to improve upon it, starting with the issue of communication.
The task of this project was to determine the capacity of the CIOC in improving the communication between its stakeholders and establishing the root of poor communication, while discovering the tools to strengthen these paths of interaction.

The result of the project was a CIOC Strategic Plan that includes tasks and goals to provide a physical reference for benchmarking progress towards better communication. This project considered the personal opinions of those stakeholders affected by such a plan with the hopes that any change will be widely accepted and encouraged.
The main objectives of the Strategic Plan are to provide a tool to guide the process of collaboration between organisations’ opinions, to improve relationships and to contribute to an efficient sport structure in its entirety.
After defending her project and Strategic Plan to a jury of esteemed Professors and Colleagues in World Sport Organizations at the end of her year, Jennifer received her diploma from the Université de Poiters and was invited to give a final presentation in the International Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland in September 2011.
Jennifer previously represented Cayman, as well as her under-graduate school the University of Miami, in the sport of swimming. She is now working at the CIOC office in George Town. If you are interested in receiving a copy of her project in its entirety, a copy of the CIOC Strategic Plan or the slides of her final presentation please do not hesitate to contact the CIOC.