iCommunity Events
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: Pink Ladies annual fundraiser with sales of crafts, books, plants, games entertainment and tea with homemade cakes. Arts and Recreation Centre at Camana Bay, 2 to 5pm. Adults $5, children $3, under four free, Tickets from any Pink Lady GT Hospital coffee shop or at the door.
BOOK SALE: Dec 3rd Organised by Red Cross Thrift Shop, 8.30am to 1.30pm by the entrance of the Foster’s Food Fair at the Strand. Books available are fiction, non-fiction,, travel, romance, children’s and more Hard covers are $2, paperback, $1 & 50 cents, children’s books, 50 cents
MISSION HOUSE AND CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING: Dec 3rd from 4-7pm. All are invited to a Christmas tree decorating contest, carolling and lighting of the Mission House in Bodden Town, Call 749-1132 for more information.
COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS PARDAE: Free family event to welcome the Christmas season. Variety concert organised by Barnes Dance Academy features local talent in music and dance, including a marching band. At the Crescent in Camana Bay, Dec 3rd 6.15 to 7.30pm
MEMBER AND VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION: On November 29th The National Trust will present tokens of gratitude to volunteers. All members receive 20% merchandise in store. Non-members may sign up. 5-8pm at the National Trust Offices in Dart Family Park. Call 749-1129 to RSVP. Refreshments will be served.
NORTHWARD ROAD PARK CHRISTMAS OF LIGHTS SERVICE: Please join us for or yearly service of lighting of the Christmas tree and the sharing candles of Friendship and singing of carols for children and adults. Sunday December 4th 2011 at 6:00pm
ALZHEIMERS SUPPORT GROUP: Is being launched, Anyone who is a caregiver, spouse, child or friend of a loved one who is suffering from this debilitating disease and is interested in being a part of this new community initiative, please contact Dorothy at 929-1655 or email: [email protected]
EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS AND POLICIES: On December 2nd The Chamber of Commerce course on Compliance Fundamentals (Part 1), The Employment Contract & Employee Policies Handbook. This course will feature a combination of theory and fundamentals, as well as a hands-on workshop approach. Part 2 is 12 December. Contact Chamber office, 949-8090
A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM: Opening night at the Prospect Playhouse, November 25-December 10th 7.30pm Show continues tomorrow, 7.30pm, Sunday, 3pm (matinee) and two more weekends. Contact 949-5054 for tickets or [email protected]
ST GEORGE’S ANGLICAN (EPISCOPAL) CHURCH: Courts Road, Eastern Av. Mass: Sun 7am and 11am, Wed 7:30am Feast & Saint Days 7:30am. Sunday School Sun. 9am. Choir Practice at the church Adults Thu 5:30pm Junior Sat 5 -7:30pm Youth Fellowship (AYF) Sat 5 – 7pm. Knights of St George (male & female) Sun 8am Contact church office 949-5583
UNITED CHURCH IN JAMAICA & THE CAYMAN ISLANDS: George Town – Elmslie Memorial Church, Robert Young, and George Hicks. West Bay – John Gray. Bodden Town – Webster. North Side – William Pouchie. East End, Gun Bay & Savannah – United Church. Call Council Office and Prospect Youth & Conference Centre 947-1963. Elmslie Church office 949-7923
CHURCH SERVICE ST. ALBAN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH AND ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH: Sundays St. Alban’s Church 8.35 a.m. – MATINS Sundays To Be Announced 7.30 p.m. – HOLY COMMUNION ST. Mary’s Church, Cayman Brac
9.00 a.m. – CHURCH SCHOOL
9.30 a.m. – HOLY COMMUNION
6.00 p.m. – EVENING PRAYER
Tues – Fri 12.30 p.m. – MIDDAY PRAYERS St. Alban’s Church
Red Letter Weekdays 5.00 p.m. – HOLY COMMUNION St. Alban’s Church. For further details see www.churchofenglandcayman.com
ST GEORGE’S ANGLICAN BARGAIN CORNER: Located upstairs at St. George’s Anglican Church Preschool, Courts Road, Eastern Av. Last Sat of month 7 – 11am.
CHURCH OF GOD CHAPEL: Academy Way, Walkers Road. Services Sun 9am and 10:30am Contact 949-9393
HALLELUJAH 2011: Everyone is invited to Bodden Town Church of God. Choirs and groups from across Cayman will minster. Speaker will be Pastor Winston Rose. Starts at 7pm
PASTORS PRAYER: West Bay pastors meet for their monthly time of prayer. 10:30am, Church Of God Chapel, Town Hall Road.
BETHESDA COUNSELLING CENTER: At 68 Mary Street caters to all persons who seek help. Call 946-6575. Open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm. Appointments can be made for Saturdays and late evenings. The center is owned and operated by the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.
OVERCOMERS OUTREACH: Is Christ-centered 12 Step Recovery Group addressing addictions and those affected by them, bridging the gap between 12-Step groups and churches. Weekly meetings at CI Baptist Church, 163 Pedro Castle Road Savannah, Mondays, 7pm. For more details contact Virginia Castillo at 946-2422 or visit www.overcomersoutreach.org
SINGING CHRISTMAS TREE: The First Assembly of God, 195 Old Crewe Road invites everyone to the first-ever presentation of a Singing Christmas Tree in Cayman, featuring a 60-voice interdenominational choir. Church grounds November 26-27 at 6pm
THE FULL GOSPEL BUSINESSMEN: Fellowship international is holding its next monthly breakfast meeting on Saturday November 26, at 7.30am at the Ramada Grand Caymanian Resort at Safehaven, Ladies are also invited for the meeting too. For more information call Robert 516-1660 or Harold 949-5720
THE GREAT CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY: Church of God Children’s Choir presents the great Christmas giveaway, opening with a matinee performance on the 4th Dec at 5.00pm show continues on 18th Dec at 7.30pm with a special family night performance on Christmas Day 25th Dec at 7.30pm at the family life center, Admission is free for more information please contact the Church of God Chapel at 946-2524