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Even Wendy, the Super Librarian, wants to be spirited away to the Cayman Islands

From “The Misadventures of  … Super Librarian”

“Mild mannered librarian and romance novel junkie by day. Kick-ass super-hero babe by night”.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Wendy’s Birthday Wish List

Yes indeedy, it’s Happy Birthday day here at the Bat Cave.  Now you’re probably asking yourself, what does the Queen Librarian of the Universe do on her birthday?

This year I’m working the late shift.

Yes folks, my life really is this glamorous.


So what does the librarian who has everything want on her birthday?  I will forever be Librarian of the Year 2011.  I’ve got a man who gives me sparkly gifts and takes me out for killer birthday dinners.  I’ve got books.  I’ve got chocolate.  I’ve got enough caffeine to run a nuclear power plant in a third world country.  What else could there possibly be?
1) A firm, yet soft cushion to protect my forehead as I spend the next 11 months slowly banging my head against my desk at work.  Yep, I’ve heard final budget rumors – and….somebody hold me.



2) A Greek tycoon to keep me in the style to which I could quickly become accustomed.  Granted, the Greek economy isn’t so great right now.  So…..





3) Said Greek tycoon to gather up the last of his millions and spirit me away to a tax shelter – say, the Cayman Islands.




4) I’m not greedy though.  I’d happily settle for the Greek tycoon to pay me my current salary so I can stay home and read books for a living.



5) Gerard Butler and Ewan McGregor.  In kilts.  ‘Nuff said.






6) For the new Batman movie to not suck.  Confession time: I’m not a Catwoman fan (I know, I know), so I’m worried.


7) To be Judi Dench when I grow up.  Or barring that….



Maggie Smith.



9) For Jim Leyland to stop playing Ryan Raburn.  Seriously?  Why?!?!?!?!!?  Why?!?!?!?!?!?!


10) To read nothing but really awesome books for the next year. Not that I spend a lot of time reading crap, but nothing but awesome would be, well….awesome. Or maybe it would just warp me.


11) Minions.  It’s exhausting being this awesome (and humble!) without them.



12) Oh, and world peace.  Just so I don’t come off as completely self-absorbed (too late).

Happy, happy!


For much more on this and lots of other “goodies” go to:


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