Errol Grant (Skanky) loses battle with cancer

I have known Errol, better known as Skanky, for many, many years. I travelled with him on a number of tourism initiatives over the USA and he set alight every room he entered. He had the most bewitching smile and I cannot remember him not wearing it.
I used to shout “Skaaaaaaaankey” and he would laugh and wave. He was a talented musician with an astounding voice and he battled cancer for many years.
Skanky was a committed Christian and he is now with his Lord. His last song he recorded was “Drinking From My Saucer.”
Errol (Skanky) Grant died on Tuesday May Ist.
All of us here at iNews Cayman send condolences to his family and friends
Skanky RIP
Good Day, My name is Michael Wilks from the Music Association. I am trying to get a hold of Skankys wife Thelma. Please contact me if you know how I can get in touch with her.