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Editorial: Throwing a Dart

One should always beware of someone throwing a dart, especially if it is aimed at you. Not only if it hits you it will hurt and if it is laced with poison it might kill you.

I am somewhat astounded to learn from the Public Meeting held in East End last Tuesday (28) that the premier is giving John McLean Jr. $200,000 from Dart as part of the proposed ForCayman Investment Alliance donation to government.

This public meeting was supposedly a government update for the people of East End but it turned into a United Democrat Party (UDP) election campaign. There was precious little new for the constituents of East End to learn and instead it was an endless barrage of criticism at the present incumbent, MLA Arden McLean, accusing him of doing nothing. Then came the announcement from Premier, Hon. McKeeva Bush that John McLean Jr., who ran against Arden Mclean at the last general election and lost, is not a member of the UDP but he emphatically backed him if he were to run again in 2013. He said the $200,000 John McLean would be given was to “project manage a number of local community initiatives.” These included a community boxing and regular gym, a tourism and craft market and “other things.”

So what are these “other things”? And why wasn’t this money offered to the District through Arden McLean? Did Mr. Bush say to Arden, “I have a large sum of money placed in my care for community projects and let’s see where it can do some good. Any ideas?” What a feather in Mr Bush’s hat and if Arden had turned it down…….

We know the answer. Arden has publically said he had been forced to “beg from the private sector” to get an after-school programme started in his district. An after-school programme. Doesn’t that sound better than John McLean Jr.’s initiatives?

Arden made a presentation to government on May 18th 2010 asking for monies for projects estimated at $350,000. These included the after-school programme, canteen for the East End Primary School (because pupils have to eat outside), extra policing, Sunrise Cottage retirement home, hurricane shutters for those who cannot afford them, paving of access road to the Civic Centre, Changing rooms/toilet facilities on the Donoavan Rankine Playing Field, removal of turtle grass at the Colliers Public Beach and Robert White Hole in central East End, Learning centre at the Civic Centre, Clearing of beach area at Lower End of Bay and the continuation of John McLean Dr. westward. Arden’s presentation raised other issues too.

For our premier to say Arden McLean had done nothing for East End and that is why he is backing John McLean, Jr. with the money “from Dart”, can only be interpreted one way. To help John McLean Jr. to campaign against the present incumbent! I doubt very much Dart is happy with this. He has been brought into the political process and his ForCayman Investment Alliance’s money is NOT being used as it was (supposedly) intended.

I do not know John McLean Jr. very well but I do know his father and we have always had a very good relationship. I do not think he can be delighted at this development especially as his son has repeatedly said if he runs it will be as an Independent. He still has time to duck the dart aimed right at him.

I also have to support Arden Mclean’s anger at the premier’s accusation that he opposed Dr Devi Shetty’s medical tourism project. This is not borne out by the written presentation.

I have commended Mr. Bush on a number of occasions as being the only professional politician we have. I have to question this last performance. He is fooling no one and digging himself a mighty big hole. Now let’s see if Mr. McLean Jr. can avoid falling into the hole as his huge supporter is teetering on the edge. The tip of that dart really is laced with some vicious poison.


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