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Dissing carnival culture

Joe Budden Dissing Caribbean Carnival Culture?

From World Wide Entertainment

Joe Budden is known for being outspoken about topics and he has a popular podcast. The now retired rapper also has a platform on Diddy’s Revolt television station. Budden seems to have outraged the Caribbean community with his latest podcast. Was Joe Budden out of line for his statement below?

These chicks can’t wait to put on them carnival outfits and be hoes. Joe Budden 

The Caribbean culture has caught wind of Joe Budden’s comments and obviously not pleased. One Instagram account proceeded to give a history lesson to Budden about the culture of carnival. The following statement below is from Know Your Caribbean Instagram page.

“I cannot express the importance of education. Comments like this push me to realise how important it is for us to take the time to educate each other. For those who may not be aware, Carnival was birthed from the West African slaves mimicking European masquerade balls – and used it as an opportunity to mimic and make fun of their European masters and practise their own African traditions – songs,music, dance and their own version of masquerade- which were otherwise banned. When slavery was abolished the former enslaved paraded, celebrated, covered themselves in the molasses they toiled over for centuries and celebrated that they were finally free. This is what carnival is. For those who have participated in this celebration understand that there are moments of high spirituality whether you realise it or not. Those who know… know. 
I am enraged by the @joebudden commentary, not only by him disrespecting the root of Carnival, but by also disrespecting the thousands of people who work tirelessly and suffer weeks of no sleep, to design, and hand make costumes, for the sheer love .

I am enraged that as a man with a following of millions will irresponsibly plant assumptions to unknowing listeners this is how women from the Caribbean or those who participate in Carnival should be looked upon as ‘hoes.’ His statement was disrespectful, hurtful and clearly from a place of ignorance. I implore those who know and love carnival to educate their counterparts on the root of what this beautiful celebration is – so that we can put an end to this vile ignorance . Knowing what Carnival means can shift its perception entirely. 
Carnival is ours and for us to preserve.

In recent times artists such as Shenseea, Ashanti, and Mya have participated in carnival. We also remember when Rihanna shocked the world when she first “get on bad” in Barbados for Kadooment which is still the most watcheditem in Worldwide Entertainment TV history. Maybe one of these artists can have a discussion with Joe Budden about what Carnival is all about. 


Joe Budden has gone onto twitter to address the comments and there seems to be a split of opinion. Some people have sided with Budden and believe he was taken out of context with his statement.

During his conversation with his followers on Twitter it was revealed a firm may have been hired to start a “Cancel Joe Budden” campaign.

You can listen to the podcast at website link below and judge for yourself if Joe Budden was taken out of context with his comment.

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