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Cuba denies sending special forces to Syria

special_forcesFrom Caribbean News Now

HAVANA, Cuba — The Cuban foreign ministry issued a news release on Sunday denying the presence of Cuban Special Forces in Syria.

The general director for bilateral affairs at Cuba’s Foreign Ministry, Gerardo Peñalver, strongly denied and rejected what he termed irresponsible and false media reports about the presence of Cuban troops in Syria.

Last week, an unnamed US government official stated that Cuban Special Forces and paramilitary personnel had arrived in Syria, and will support the Assad regime in military operations.

A United States intelligence official told Fox News last Wednesday that Cuban special military forces have been spotted on the ground in Syria.

The source, speaking under the condition of anonymity, confirmed intelligence reports claiming two Russian planes landed at the Damascus airport and unloaded Cuban troops. Additionally, the reports stated that General Leopoldo Cintra Frias — the head of Cuba’s Armed Forces — and his personal detail recently visited and counseled his forces on how to combat with US backed rebels.

US intelligence sources have also separately confirmed the report, saying at the same time that the Cuban denial comes as no surprise given the delicate nature of the ongoing dialogue between the US and Cuba aimed at improving relations between the two countries.

Known as the Black Wasps, the presence of Cuban Special Forces has previously been reported in Venezuela, reinforcing the government’s response to civil unrest in that troubled country.

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