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CITN joined Cayman Airways pilot for his last official flight

Since March 15th 1972 Captain Harrison Bothwell has been flying planes for Cayman Airways. He was hired by the then Cayman Airways head,  ex MLA  and government portfolio holder, Norman Bodden and he immediately began his training to become a pilot. A job Mr. Bothwell says he loves.

He has flown all the planes Cayman Airways have had in their fleet including, DC-8, DC-9, BAC 1-11 and Boeing 737’s.

His last few years with Cayman Airways has been as Chief Pilot for Cayman Airways Express and CITN captured his last flight with a trip over to the Sister Islands and back. On hiss return he received the customary shower from the fire trucks dowsing the plane as it taxied across the runway.

Although Mr. Bothwell says he will now have more time with his family he will not be leaving the airline but will be taking an office job. He says he loves Cayman Airways too much to actually leave it completely behind.

Photos from CITN



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