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CITA supports the National Tourism Law

1339613821-1The Cayman Island Tourism Association [CITA] reaffirms its support for the National Conservation Law.

“Protecting the environment” is one of the top tourism priorities set by the Association’s Board of Directors for 2013.

The Cayman Islands tourism product has benefited for decades from our leaders’ recognition and protection of our ocean environment and the establishment of marine parks more than 25 years ago. CITA advocates the government’s full enforcement of those laws currently in place. CITA supports the National Conservation Law’s intent to provide the same level protection for the terrestrial eco-system and vigilant enforcement of laws affecting both the land and marine environments.

CITA’s role is to highlight environmental issues through our membership as they directly affect tourism businesses’ future ability to be competitive in the marketplace. The NCL is the leading provision of CITA’s top tourism issue of the Environment. This issue also includes sustainable operating practices to support longevity as well as sustainable development to assure industry growth.

CITA held a General Membership Meeting on December 2nd and the Department of Environment did a presentation on the National Conservation Law with a question and answer section. CITA also conducted a member survey on whether the members support the National Conservation Law or not. Through these exercises, the CITA Board of Directors and member’s reconfirmed their stated support of the National Conservation Bill.



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