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Cayman: Sabrina turns back, where is Issac and don’t forget McKeeva

By Colin Wilson

This is not an Editorial. I am writing as a journalist. I am NOT giving an opinion.

I have written this as I believe things stand this morning. I have called around, but either no one knows differently, or not saying anything. It is just as well, as everything in the 2021 Cayman Islands Election changes by the day, and next Wednesday now seems a long way off.

Last Wednesday (14) night most commentators said the Progressives, now led by Roy McTaggart, had comfortably won.

Come Thursday afternoon, a Coalition, led by Wayne Panton (an ex-Progressive Minster) declared a majority of seats and appeared before HE Governor Roper. Handshakes and photographs appeared.

Thursday evening, the Progressives announced two of the Coalition members, Isaac Rankine (East End) and Sabrina Turner (Prospect) had defected to the Progressives.

By Friday evening M/s Turner had turned back to the Coalition.

Isaac appears to have gone into hiding. Telephone remains unanswered or switched off! Where is he?

And where is McKeeva in all this? At his very narrow election victory Wednesday night (doesn’t that seem a long time ago?) he publically stated he was ready to head a new government. I heard some scoffing laughter at this.


At the present time he holds the last card. The Joker, or the Ace…?

I read one commentator stating McKeeva is being stroked by the Coalition. One member of that team, when in Opposition, did not vote to have him removed from office whilst two did. One of the latter being his ex-political partner and then foe – Bernie Bush. Now?

What ever happens over the next few days, I doubt it will be set in stone.

Wednesday 21st is set for the day all newly elected members will meet, be sworn in and a vote taken to elect a Leader.

Don’t just take my word for it. H.E. Governor Roper said so.

Watch this space.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Alice said the above in Wonderland.

I fear we all have fallen down a rabbit hole. Most definitely we are all in Wonderland.


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