Cayman Islands issues 98 speeding tickets last week [25 Feb and 3 Mar]
RCIPS Issues 98 Speeding Tickets Last Week, 6 March

Officers from the RCIPS Traffic and Roads Policing Unit conducted a series of traffic operations last week, as part of continuing efforts to address excessive speeding, and in response to concerns from members of the public about speeding in certain areas.
As a result of these operations, 98 tickets were issued for speeding between Monday, 25 February and Sunday, 3 March, 37 of which were issued on Sunday. The areas targeted included specific sections of Shamrock Road in the Spotts and Lower Valley areas, along with the Esterley Tibbetts and Linford Pierson Highways. The operations commenced during early morning hours, before morning traffic, and continued throughout the day.
Persons ticketed were found to be travelling at speeds ranging from 60MPH to over 80MPH, or 30MPH faster than the highest speed limit anywhere on island.
“The speeds that we are seeing continue to be excessive, and I want to emphasize how much risk this level of speeding poses, not just to your safety but to that of other road users as well,” said Inspector Ian Yearwood, head of the TRPU. “However, it is not only a safety risk but a financial one. The standard fine for speeding is $20 for every mile over the speed limit. That means that most of those prosecuted during this week will be facing fines of several hundred dollars.”
Speeding penalties are also doubled in school zones and other special zones.
“If your fine exceeds $500 you will have to make a mandatory court appearance, where you are likely to lose your license for a minimum of six months,” added Inspector Yearwood. “And make no mistake, if you are caught speeding, you will be prosecuted.”