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Cayman Islands Community invited to Children’s Festival final concerts

PH-NCFA-GTPS-Speech-Choir-160415-SEThe National Children’s Festival of the Arts (NCFA) invites the community to its Final Concerts at the Harquail Theatre Monday to Thursday, 11-14 May, from 6.00 pm. Featuring entertaining, medal-winning performances in speech and drama, choral music, instrumental music, and dance, the programme will change nightly. Students of all ages from government and primary schools will perform.

Over the last few weeks the NCFA adjudications have been awarding gold, silver and bronze medals to young performers in speech and drama, choral music, instrumental music, and dance. The concerts bring together the most entertaining items from among the medal-winning performances, and will feature students of all ages from government and primary schools.

The National Children’s Festival of the Arts has been celebrating the talents of Cayman’s students for 33 years.

Gloria Bell, the Department of Education Services’ Senior School Improvement Officer, speaking last month on CITN/Cayman27 said the competition gives children “an opportunity to develop and to grow and some of these young people usually pursue this as a career, as they move into university they can study music.”

“I must say when I look around at our education panorama, we see a lot of young people who grew up through the arts who are now music teachers in our schools; who are now teachers of drama in our schools and that makes me feel extremely proud,” she added.

IMAGE: (GIS) George Town Primary School’s Speech Choir during their performance of Valerie Bloom’s Tall Tales


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