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Awards & recognitions for the Cayman Islands School of Hospitality students

Screen Shot 2015-07-22 at 9.58.42 AMSHS Awards Ceremony RCGC – 16 July 2015

The Hon. Moses I. Kirkconnell, JP, MLA, Deputy Premier, Minister of District Administration, Tourism and Transportation pictured with students of the School of Hospitality Studies at the inaugural awards and recognition ceremony held at The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman on Thursday, 16 July 2015.

L-R: Shanet Crawford; Antony McKenzie; Stevyn Lynch; Hillary Frederick; Hon. Min. Kirkconnell; Jykali Swaby; Alecia Davis; Jayne Williams; Ashleigh Whittaker; Addie Christian; Brianna Watler; Laurent Bodden; Jasmine Smith; Catherine Bodden; Ana Olson; Briana Whittaker; Naija Chung.
Missing from Photo: Tre O’Neil; Tennillieanai Rankin – Gray


The hospitality school was launched in September 2014 and the course (held at UCCI – University College of the Cayman Islands)has been designed so that students experience many different aspects of Cayman’s hospitality sector.

Students though a certificate level will now have the opportunity to move up into the associate’s degree programme and further on into the Bachelor of Science degree programme.

From CITA:

“SHS students will get practical experience in the workplace for two days each week and will be on campus for the learning component for three days per week, SHS Director Wayne Jackson explained in an interviews with CNS. During the first three months they will be exposed to at least six or seven areas of the industry, he said, so they see where their interest lies and where they want to focus.

“SHS students will get practical experience in the workplace for two days each week and will be on campus for the learning component for three days per week, Jackson explained. During the first three months they will be exposed to at least six or seven areas of the industry, he said, so they see where their interest lies and where they want to focus.

“The industry has changed, he said, and employers are looking for people with a particular skill set who can hit the ground running from day one. The goal is for SHS students to “circumvent all of the training and the headache and hassle” of starting in the industry green with no experience and be in a better position to progress.”



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