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A Guide to Building a Log Bench

Log benches have a natural, rustic, aesthetic that makes them look great in outdoor settings. Not only do they look good, but they’re comfortable and are fairly simple to build. In one afternoon you could build your very own log bench. Follow the steps below to create a new piece of furniture for your garden.  

What You Need 

Before you start building, it’s important you’ve got everything you need for the job. You will need nails, screws, a chainsaw, and a belt sander for smoothing. When using equipment, please make sure you follow the safety instructions and wear protective clothing. Of course, you also need logs to create your bench. For the bench seat and backrest, you need two flat logs. Flat logs are round on one side and flat on the other. You can cut these yourself with a chainsaw. You will also need a small log, or log flat, to mount the backrest. For the bench base, you’ll need four full logs, two for either side.

Building the Base

Also, when picking your logs, make sure you’ve got your measurements right. Your bench should fit the style and design of your garden. It’s important to pick the right spot and build your bench in the desired place. This will save you some heavy lifting. Make sure the ground is level. You want to ensure the logs you’re working with are smooth, so sand them down if you need to. Stack two logs and nail them together. It’s important to get the right-sized nails for the job. The nail needs to go through the top log and into the bottom one. Repeat this step with the other two logs to form your bench base.

Creating Seats 

The next stage of building your bench is using your chainsaw to cut a half-moon shape at the top of each bench base. This will create a space for the bench seat to fit into. Use two nails on each edge of the bench seat to attach to your bench base. The nails should be a couple of inches in from the edge. 

Forming Bench

Then you need to nail your backrest support logs to the end of each bench base. Use two nails on each side. Now it’s time to screw the backrest to the backrest support logs using three or four screws per side. You now have a completed, fully formed bench. For the finishing touch, coat your log bench with a wood preservative to help your bench last even longer. 

Log benches are a simple piece of DIY but can make a huge impact on your outdoor space. Make sure you’ve got the right equipment and take any necessary precautions while building. Do you have any other DIY projects lined up?


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