
iLocal News Archives

Day: August 4, 2019

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11 symptoms that everyone over age 50 should pay attention to

By Zoe Papadakis From Newsmax Health issues that we once shrugged off become increasingly difficult to ignore as we age. By the time we hit 50, inevitably some issues come to the forefront. While certain aches and pain are normal,…

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Once Upon a Time in H/wood

Who’s Who in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: A Character Guide By Rebecca Alter From Vulture Quentin Tarantino plays fast and loose with historical revisionism like he’s a kid left alone with action figures, or a Harry/Louis slash-fic writer drowning in AO3…

Events iBusiness iCommunity iFinance iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

UK: Tory rebels threaten Boris Johnson after majority cut to one

From The Guardian UK Prime minister faces losing control of parliament after Lib Dem byelection win Boris Johnson faced a grave threat to his control of parliament on Friday as he was warned that Conservative rebels could cross the House of…

Editors Choice Events iCommunity iHealth iLocal News iWorld News News

Why family-friendly policies are critical to increasing breastfeeding rates worldwide

From UNICEF NEW YORK, 1 August 2019 – From supporting healthy brain development in babies and young children, protecting infants against infection, decreasing the risk of obesity and disease, reducing healthcare costs, and protecting nursing mothers against ovarian cancer and…

Half of Ebola cases in DR Congo ‘unidentified’

From BBC Only about 50% of cases of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo are being identified, the government’s response co-ordinator has said. Jean-Jacques Muyembe warned that the current deadly outbreak could last up to three years. He said…

iHealth iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

New bandage technology reduces scarring thanks to the power of nature

By Mike Wehner From BGR When you get a small cut or scrape you probably reach for an ordinary bandage, which is typically nothing more than an adhesive strip holding a tiny patch of sterile padding. It’s a simple design…

Events iBusiness iCommunity iFinance iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Canada invests $85 million in internet satellites for rural areas

By Amrita Khalid From engadget Telesat, the Canadian telecom and SpaceX internet competitor, wants to connect remote regions with its low-earth-orbit satellites. Now, it appears to have the backing of Her Majesty’s Government. The company announced today that it is partnering with the…

Events iBusiness iCommunity iHealth iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Harvard research suggests millions of people are wasting their time taking aspirin

By Mike Wehner From BGR If you’ve been taking aspirin every day to lower your risk of heart attack, despite not having an existing history of heart problems, a new Harvard study suggests you’re not doing yourself any favors. In fact, it…

iBusiness iCommunity iCrime iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Egyptian cabinet member appears to threaten dissidents living abroad with beheading

From WN A member of Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi’s cabinet threatened to behead dissidents abroad during an official visit to Canada, drawing her finger across her neck in a throat-cutting gesture as she described the punishment for those who insult Cairo’s authoritarian…

Caribbean News Editors Choice Events iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News

Civil society calls on the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to signal its commitment to good environmental governance by signing and ratifying the Escazú Agreement

Port of Spain, August 2, 2019 – On Tuesday 23 July 2019, at the Lloyd Best Institute of the Caribbean, 30 civil society organisations working on environmental management across Trinidad and Tobago participated in the People Protecting our Planet: National…