
iLocal News Archives

Month: August 2015

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Turks and Caicos dolphin park plan meets with opposition

By Gemma Handy Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands From BBC “They’re nothing more than water circuses,” Daniel Turner says of dolphinaria, or animal parks featuring dolphins. Mr Turner is a spokesman for Born Free, a charity which is actively campaigning…

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Baby and puppy share a birthday

Adorable: Baby and puppy share a birthday, might think they belong to the same species By Chris Smith From BGR Put your newborn infant in the same room with a puppy and you’re likely to get hours of entertainment out…

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Class-action lawsuit claims 10 automakers hid keyless ignition carbon monoxide dangers that led to 13 deaths

By Ashlee Kieler From Consumerist At least 13 people have died because 10 major automakers concealed the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in more than five million vehicles equipped with keyless ignitions, a new class-action lawsuit claims. Twenty-eight consumers filed…

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Tianjin blasts: China accuses 11 officials of negligence over chemical site

By Jethro Mullen and Wayne Chang, From CNN Prosecutors single out officials from transportation, work safety, planning and customs agencies State media: 11 people from the company that owned the chemical warehouse are in detention Hong Kong (CNN)Chinese prosecutors are…

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Chinese journalist ‘confesses’ to causing share market ‘panic’: state media

By AFP From Australian Business Review A financial journalist has “confessed” to causing “panic and disorder” on China’s stock market and inflicting “huge losses on the country”, state media reports. Wang Xiaolu, a journalist with Caijing magazine, was detained by…

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Blank lands: In search of Zhuang Xueben

By Tewfic El-SawyFrom From the Travel Photographer A friend, Matteo Vegetti referred this very interesting project to me a few weeks ago and whilst, I don’t feature crowd funding projects on this blog, this particular one captured my imagination for…

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Facebook readies for battle over biometrics

By Ross Todd, The Recorder SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook Inc. will have home court advantage in a trio of privacy class actions claiming the company violated an Illinois law governing the collection of biometric data with its “tag suggestion” feature….

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The deeper dread lurking behind the stock market sell-off

By Annie Lowrey From New York Magazine When it comes to saving the economy, does Janet Yellen have an empty tool kit? Over the past week, stock markets around the world have had something of a temper tantrum, ginning up…

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Could the Ashley Madison hack have been an inside job?

By Ed Silverstein, From Legaltech News ‘The tech evidence supports the assertion it was done with local access as opposed to remotely,’ says ThreatSTOP Inc. CEO Tom Byrnes Canadian authorities continue to investigate the publication of leaked personal data from…

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North Dakota cops will be first in nation to use weaponized drones

By Andrew Tarantola From engadget North Dakota’s Bill 1328 was supposed to be cut and dry. “In my opinion there should be a nice, red line: drones should not be weaponized. Period,” Rep. Rick Becker (R-Bismarck), the bill’s original sponsor,…