
iLocal News Archives

Day: November 3, 2014

iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Thousands of low-paid Britons set for pay rise

From BBC Workers’ wages peak in late 30s Thousands of UK workers are set for a pay rise after a surge in the number of companies signed up to the Living Wage. The number of companies has more than doubled…

Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iTech iWorld News News

Get ready for Canada’s new anti-spam law

Government of Canada Introduces Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) For more information on the legislation, please visit This new website serves as the single Government of Canada point of reference for credible and sanctioned information about the law. It will grow…

iBusiness iCommunity iHealth iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Trinidad and Tobago eyeing more Pinoy health workers

From GMA News Filipino health workers are in demand in Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean, the Philippine Embassy in Washington D.C. said over the weekend. In an article posted on its website Sunday, the embassy said Trinidad and Tobago…

iBusiness iDrink iFood iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Consumers turning to one-stop-shop stores rather than traditional grocery stores

By Ashlee Kieler From Consumerist When I was growing up, my mom would do our family’s grocery shopping at several different stores. She’d purchase fresh produce at one, meat at another and non-perishable items like cleaning supplies at another. Today,…

iArt iBusiness iEntertainment iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Getty is ‘Leaning In’ when it comes to stock photos

By Kurt Wagner From Mashable A picture says a thousand words. But Sheryl Sandberg and Getty Images didn’t like what those pictures were saying about women. Getty and Lean In will announce a partnership on Monday intended to change the…

iDrink iFood iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

How to make coconut milk at home

Cooking lessons from the Kitchn I use coconut milk often and liberally in my kitchen. Its exotic flavor packs quite a punch and enhances a myriad of dishes — from soups and stews to curries and baked goods. I also…

iArt iEntertainment iNotices News top news

Cartoon of the Day

By Tony Zuvela, Cartoonist “It’s my own little World which I can escape to everyday and create a fun, weird, berserk Cartoon to whatever subject I like. I enjoy doing all the work myself, and all the aspects of Cartooning,…

Caribbean News iCrime iLocal News News

Spate of burglaries in Cayman Islands continues – 5 MORE Monday (3)

From RCIPS: Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 1:11 PM Burglary 5 commercial burglaries were reported over night in George Town between the hours of 4:00am and 5:00am Monday 3rd November 2014. The incidents occurred between Owen Roberts Drive, Breezy Way, Boiler’s…

Caribbean News iLocal News iNotices News

UPDATED: Cayman teen missing since Wednesday (29) FOUND

The mother of Cetina Brooke Bodden told CITN/Cayman 27 her daughter is back at the Frances Bodden Girls’ Home. Original story: CITN/Cayman27 are reporting that Cetina Brooke Bodden went missing from the Frances Bodden Girls’ Home (FBGH last Wednesday (29) night….