
iLocal News Archives

Day: February 26, 2013

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Lace Up with Team Diabetes in the Cayman Islands!

News1130 Staff Walk or run with John Streit and Team Diabetes in the Cayman Islands on December 1, 2013 in support of the 9 million Canadians and someone you know living with diabetes and pre-diabetes. Walk or run with John…

Restaurants and watersports operators to partner for major lionfish culling effort

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands; 25 February 2013.  Calling all restaurants and watersports companies! We need you to partner up for the first annual Fosters Food Fair Earth Month Lionfish Tournament, which will take place April 26-27, 2013. Registration is available…

Editors Choice iLocal News iWorld News News

TCI will not have to impose VAT

The UK Government has agreed that VAT will not be implemented in the TCI at this time. The TCI Government and opposition have clearly stated their opposition to the implementation of VAT. It remains Her Majesty’s Government’s (HMG) view that…

iLocal News iWorld News News

South Africa study finds donkey meat sold as beef

Donkey, water buffalo and goat meat have been sold as burgers and sausages in South Africa, a study says. A study published by the local Stellenbosch University found that 99 of 139 samples contained species not declared in the product…

iLocal News iWorld News News

Italy election: Nation in dramatic situation – Bersani

Centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani says Italy is in a “dramatic situation” after election results that leave the country in political stalemate. Stock markets and the euro have fallen amid concerns the deadlock could re-ignite the eurozone debt crisis. But…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

From the Citi to the Caymans

From Wall Street Journal Jack Lew rehabilitates what Obama once called a notorious ‘tax scam.’ No matter how Jack Lew performs at his Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday, his nomination to be Treasury Secretary has already produced one big winner:…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Financial Times: Trump Worth $8 Billion Through Brand-Building

By Sandy Fitzgerald Moneynews Donald Trump is a billionaire through his business acumen and relentless self-promotion, and continues to build his empire even though his wealth exceeds most people’s wildest dreams. Trump, interviewed at the basement restaurant of his signature…

iBooks iLocal News iWorld News News

‘Killing Jesus’ is Bill O’Reilly’s next book, Exploring Life, Death of Christ

By Michael Mullins Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly, author of bestsellers on the assassinations of presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, says his next literary endeavor will delve into the execution of Jesus Christ. Titled “Killing Jesus,” the book…

iBusiness iLocal News iTravel iWorld News News

Cuba Is Ready To Welcome The International Tourism Fair – FITCuba 2013

Written by Theo Chambers Organizers of the next International Tourism Fair in Cuba (FITCuba 2013) said in advance that there is a great effort in the preparation of the Plaza America Convention Center, Varadero Beach, to receive such an event….

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

A Good-looking year for luxury brands

by Carmel Melouney Rising consumer confidence, particularly in emerging markets such as China, could make 2013 a good year for luxury goods companies. Credit Suisse’s European luxury goods team recently said that the sector’s exposure to emerging markets, where growth…