
iLocal News Archives

Day: December 4, 2012

iBusiness iJamaica iLocal News iWorld News News

OCG Congratulates Public Bodies and OCG staff say “thank you”

OCG Congratulates Public Bodies for Registering a 100% QCA Report Submission Compliance Rate for Newly Introduced QCA Web Portal Kingston, Jamaica; December 4, 2012 – The Office of the Contractor General (OCG) congratulates all 197 Procuring Public Bodies and their…

iCommunity iHealth iLocal News iWorld News News

Drugs can’t stop this deadly bacteria stalking 42 states

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — The doctors tried one antibiotic after another, racing to stop the infection as it tore through the man’s body, but nothing worked. In a matter of days after the middle-aged patient arrived at University of Virginia Medical…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Cayman GDP worth US 3.08 billion in 2009

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Cayman Islands was worth 3.08 billion US dollars in 2009, according to a report published by the World Bank. The GDP value of Cayman Islands is roughly equivalent to 0 percent of the world…

iFood iLocal News iWorld News News

Eric Ripert Explains Leaving DC and Philly, Teases a New NYC Project

by Amy McKeever Don’t panic, Eric Ripert‘s Grand Cayman restaurant Blue is safe from the carnage of last week in which the chef made back-to-back announcements that he was cutting ties with both his Washington, DC, and Philadelphia-based Ritz-Carlton restaurants….

iLocal News iWorld News

Chinese are attracted to branded British universities

By Elizabeth Gasson ( China Daily)   Bentley, Burberry and Cambridge University. What we perceive to be the best of British products for cars and clothes are the shiny labels – those that scream: “I am the best”. Yet, carrying…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Cayman stock exchange to make listed catastrophe bonds & ILS tradable

From Artemis Here’s a fascinating development which could have significant ramifications for the market in catastrophe bonds and insurance-linked securities, particularly in the secondary market trade in Rule 144A securitized notes. The Cayman Islands Stock Exchange (CSX) has told us…

iCommunity iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iWorld News News

St. Luke’s cardiologists care for Cayman Islanders

Health officials from the Cayman Islands will visit St. Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute on Friday (7) to renew the Kansas City hospital’s contract as the island’s preferred provider for cardiac care. Since 2011, St. Luke’s has cared for 49…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News News

Immigration Holiday Hours and Reminders

The Department of Immigration wishes to advise clients of holiday hours for its public counters, as well as the dates for this year’s final board meetings. The public counters close at 11a.m. on Christmas Eve (Monday, December 24), and resume…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion Our Eye

The Editor Speaks: C4C secrecy issues*

 * See also C4C announcement at end of Editorial Now that the dust has settled on the Coalition4Cayman (C4C) inaugural meeting last month (Nov 19) that pushed all the right buttons the people behind this masterful stroke have not capitalized…

90 Years Banquet starts off celebrations

Elmslie Memorial United Church has had 19 pastors in charge of its church on Harbour Drive, George Town. Starting with the Rev. James Elmslie (the church is named after him) from 1846-1863 right up to the present Pastor, Dr. Dave…