
iLocal News Archives

Day: August 8, 2012

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Is this what should happen to ALL bankers?

A friend pointed this story to me and I am amazed I did not hear about it before. Do you remember the 2008-2012 Icelandic financial crisis that involved the collapse of three of the country’s major commercial banks. Background In…

iLocal News iWorld News News

Rescue needed in darkness at U.S. Antarctic station

By Josh Levs, CNN A medical emergency was under way Wednesday at the largest research station in Antarctica, the hub of the U.S. Antarctic Program. Someone needs to be evacuated from McMurdo Station in the dead of the Antarctic winter,…

iCommunity iEntertainment iListen iLocal News News

Loud is best?

BY Paul McGowan of PS Audio So what is it about people that makes us want to turn the volume up on anything we hear that we like?  Is that your experience as well?  If I am in the car…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News News

Expats Have Killed The Cayman Island’s First Direct Income Tax

By David McFadden The Cayman Islands is scrapping a plan to impose a direct income tax on thousands of expatriates working in the British Caribbean territory that is famed as a no-tax financial center. Premier McKeeva Bush issued a terse…

Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

The Chamber replaces Business Expo with new and improved Cayshop event!

The Chamber of Commerce is launching a new business event called Cayshop. Always looking to improve our events and programmes we have taken a long and hard look at the Business Expo and decided after 20 years it is in…

Cayman Cop Interns – Assignments Completed

Thirteen young Caymanians completed their summer internships with the RCIPS last Friday. During the four-week programme the students worked in a variety of departments including Financial Crime, Process, Scenes of Crime, Fleet Management and the Joint Marine Unit. In all…

Honorific Recipients Feted

At a recent awards ceremony held in the Westin Galleon Ballroom, past and present political leaders as well as Speakers of the Legislative Assembly were presented with certificates affirming the recent conferral of their award of a lifetime honorific. The…

Editors Choice iJamaica iLocal News News

Premier says Jamaicans have Contributed Greatly to the Cayman Islands

Premier of the Cayman Islands, Hon. McKeeva Bush, says his country has benefitted greatly from the contributions made by Jamaicans to that nation’s development. Speaking at last weekend’s 60th staging of Denbigh Agricultural, Industrial and Food Show, in May Pen,…