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10 surprising weight loss tips after summer holiday

For many people, summer holidays and going to the beach or the pool are their main motivation for losing weight and getting in shape. However, once on the actual holiday, very few will be able to resist letting themselves indulge in all of the fun holiday food and drinks their hearts desire. If you’re one of those people, you probably try to rationalize and say that all of the swimming and dancing you do on holiday will make up for all of those sugary cocktails and fast food. Even if you know you are fooling yourself, all is not lost. You can be as indulgent as you want all summer, and then follow these 10 surprising weight loss tips after summer holiday and get right back in shape.

  1. Snap away

The largest part of any big project is motivation. If you truly want to do something, there is no stopping you. Taking photos of yourself when you don’t feel at your most attractive may seem counter-intuitive. However, experts say taking a picture of yourself every day can actually act as a great motivator. This way, you will be able to track even the minutest changes in your physique and this will provide you with the impetus to keep going. There are even apps which you can use for this very purpose. This is very similar to regularly taking your own measurements. However, having something as graphic as a photo to go off of is much more motivational for most people.

Taking selfies is a great way of taking note of your progress.
  1. Overeating doesn’t have to be bad

If you were careful with your diet and exercise routine before your holiday, you will probably find it easy to bounce back afterward. It might feel counterintuitive to put overeating on a list of 10 surprising weight loss tips after summer holiday. However, experts say that eating more than you’re used to actually makes your body burn calories faster. You might still gain weight, but you won’t gain as much as you would if this was your routine. Similarly, cutting calories doesn’t actually have to equal weight loss.

  1. Don’t weigh yourself

Hanging all of your hopes on a number on a scale is a recipe for disaster. Firstly, it doesn’t actually give you a realistic picture of how far you’ve come. Our bodies’ composition has to do with more than just our weight. Even if you are losing weight according to your scale, it doesn’t mean that you are actually losing the weight you want to lose. What you want to focus on is your body fat percentage and make sure the exercises you’re doing are helping you, for example, burn your belly fat. Some people see that they’re losing weight, but what they’re actually losing is muscle. If you’re going about this the right way, your body weight might actually increase. This increase would be a positive development, however, as it would mean your muscle mass is what’s increasing and your body fat decreasing. So ditch the scales altogether.

Caption: Experts say constantly weighing and measuring yourself can actually hinder your progress.

A scale with measuring tape on it.
  1. Get a good night’s sleep

Another one of the 10 surprising weight loss tips after summer holiday is sleep. Research has shown that not getting enough sleep can slow down our metabolism and make it harder for us to shift those pounds. Not sleeping enough will make it harder for us to find the motivation to exercise. Not only that, but it will make it harder for that exercise to be effective even if we do get to the gym. You need energy in order to have an effective, body-slimming workout. If you’re having trouble finding the inspiration to get yourself to a gym, consider zumba as a way to burn calories. It’s fun and it will tire you out enough so that you are able to sleep soundly after class.

  1. Focus on your food

Eating without any distractions may sound odd, but it’s actually one of the ways to lose holiday weight fast. Switch off the TV, put your phone away and focus on every bite. Having distractions, like when having a TV dinner, will actually make you eat more food (and often more quickly). Savoring every bite and paying attention to the textures and the flavors of your food will make you eat more slowly. Slower eating allows for your brain to get the message that you are full sooner, thus avoiding overeating. Focusing on your food will also make you feel more satisfied after a meal, even when it’s portion-controlled.

  1. Have a laugh

The most unbelievable of the surprising weight loss tips after the summer is that laughter can help you lose weight. People usually associate dieting and exercise with feeling unfulfilled. There have been several studies that researched the connection between laughter and weight loss. It can definitely help burn calories because it boosts blood flow and therefore the use of energy.

Surprisingly, laughter can help you burn calorie
  1. Don’t restrict yourself too much

Restricting yourself too much after the holiday can actually work against you. It may create what experts call a binge and restrict pattern. What it implies is that you may fall into a pattern of having time periods where you indulge followed by periods of high restriction. This can help your metabolism, but it can also create an unhealthy relationship to food in the long run. The same goes for skipping meals, as it can have a harmful long term effect on your health.

  1. Return to the basics

Letting yourself indulge while on holiday doesn’t mean that you have completely fallen off the wagon. Experts say that a simple return to your pre-vacation routine will help you shed any weight you may have gained.

  1. Pay attention to your gut

Some research has shown that the healthy bacteria in your gut can actually aid weight loss. There are supplements you can take to make sure everything is in order. As a bonus, it might help you lose holiday weight fast.

  1. Go dry

We’ve come to the last on our list of the 10 surprising weight loss tips after summer holiday. After having indulged during your vacation, consider ditching alcohol for some time. It will help your weight loss, but also your overall health.


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