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Was Panama party a wicked waste of money?

I have to beg this question today. Was the end of May Cayman party in Panama City a wicked waste of our money, especially at a time when the government was trying to balance a budget?

Even though Cayman Airways had announced at the very beginning of its much touted direct flights to Panama City that it would be seasonal, there is now much to doubt whether it will continue past 3rd September, 2012.

With over $70,000 spent on a two day promotional extravaganza on 28th and 29th of May that culminated in a party with Chamber of Commerce hierarchy, Cayman Islands Tourist Authority, a local band, and other invitees also present plus a photo/journalist from the local television station CITN, it was supposed to herald in a ‘new beginning.’

The ‘new beginning’ was to “help enhance future package development for the route and to also help to educate the Caymanian public as to the potential benefits of such areas as cost-effective overseas medical care” said a spokesperson.

Tourism Director Shomari Scott said, “As the Cayman Islands has very little brand awareness in the Panamanian market, it is important that the rich sounds, colours and excitement are incorporated into marketing and promotional activities such as this, to help paint a vibrant image on a previously blank canvass and give a sweet taste of what we in the Cayman Islands have to offer.”

Not only was cheaper medical care touted from Panama but trade and tourism projects were in the works. I have yet to see anything promoted at all about this. The Chamber of Commerce hasn’t blazed us with press releases advertising its members are purchasing all those fruits and vegetables we were shown including the excited interviewees falling over themselves to say how good the produce was.

And then, of course, there were the benefits we would receive from the tourists who would flock here from another Caribbean destination that had more to offer in their own home than we have.

But then there is the Panama Canal. So …….?

A three month season for a highly promoted and costly new route doesn’t seem very long. No one I could find to speak to at Cayman Airways or the Department of Tourism could say when or if the route would ever be scheduled again?

According to the CNS web site their sources have told them flights over the last ten weeks were leaving “well under capacity”.

Does any of this surprise you? Were any surveys conducted to see the viability of commencing a new route in a recession?

Warren Smith of the Cayman Development Bank said recently at the CDB meeting at the Ritz Carlton at the end of May that, “new developments in Panama hold great potential for countries in the region.

That sounds positive and then Pilar Bush, Chairperson of Cayman Airways, in announcing the new route to Panama, along with a new route to Dallas, Tx (not so heavily promoted but making a little more sense) on May 11 admitted the airline was “taking a chance” and would need help from the public. Yes, it is the public that buys tickets and travel, Pilar. Good point but not so positive as Warren.

By all accounts, from the people who went to Panama, it was a wickedly fun trip. I’m glad they all had a good party. But it was at our expense and a wicked waste of money. I think so. Don’t you?




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