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Three types of cannabis: Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis

Every day new species or types of cannabis arise from the union and mixture of different varieties to obtain new strains with different and surprising aromas and properties. An example of this would be Green Gelato, of which you can discover more about its version rich in CBD in our article Creamy, sweet and smooth, this is Green Gelato. These new types are considered hybrids.

CBD-rich strains come from Sativa L plants that are low in THC content and only have the properties of sativa strains. These types of cannabis varieties are not differentiated by daytime or nighttime use and they all have a relaxing effect available on

Type Cannabis Sativa

These varieties grow in warm and humid areas, typical of the tropical climate. For example, they can occur in areas of Mexico, Colombia, India and North Africa.

Its leaves are large, thin and abundant due to the adaptation of the plant to humidity. Its shape is what everyone usually imagines when talking about cannabis. They are usually tall plants, as they can reach 5 meters.This variety is more productive outdoors and has a later flowering phase than other types of cannabis, such as indica.

Sativa strains are the most popular for relaxing uses and have mainly cerebral effects. This type of variety is highly appreciated for its therapeutic properties. Its properties help calm anxiety, panic or fight depression.

Unlike other types of cannabis, these strains are also credited with a stimulating effect, called a high. The perfect combination to combine relaxation and activities that involve physical activity or creativity.

All the flowers you can find on our website belong to this group of flowers. Different scents and CBD concentrations from 5% to 50% CBD!


Indica varieties have a great capacity for adaptation, which is why they grow in areas where climates are more arid and dry, such as Pakistan or India.

Unlike sativa types, indica cannabis types are short, stocky plants. Due to the climate and high temperatures where this type of variety grows, its leaves are dark colored and wide. This is because its shape and color prevent water loss during perspiration and its root system is condensed.

This variety is ideal for indoor crops, due to its short flowering time. Its flowers are denser and heavier than sativa varieties.

Indica types are attributed effects that mainly affect the physical level, so much so that it is used for therapeutic purposes to relieve bone pain, migraine or chronic pain.

Cannabis Ruderalis Type

This variety grows in cold climates with little light, such as Siberia and Kazakhstan.Its appearance is marked by the few hours of light, which causes its size to be smaller. Its most peculiar characteristic in this type of cannabis is that it is capable of initiating flowering without the need for sun exposure.

Although this strain is capable of growing in unique conditions, it does have one big Achilles heel. Its cannabinoids are almost non-existent, making it an uninteresting strain.

The main use of this variety is to create hybrids by crossing it with indica and sativa species. Although these crosses are more frequent with indica varieties.


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