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The Editor Speaks: Nothing

Colin WilsonwebI have nothing to write about today. Nothing. Then I remembered something I had written about that I knew nothing about.

Well, I know a little about everything I can think of so this task was very difficult. Thinking more about it and having to write something to go in this editorial I decided to do what I did then, write about nothing. Yes. Nothing. I could leave you with just a blank sheet of paper and say this is about nothing but I actually wrote a skit about that once and nothing came of it. Except the director of the group I wrote the nothing skit resigned. To actually resign over nothing. I bet some of us have actually done that.

This time I have delved into my search engine and tried the World Wide Web for answers about nothing. Here is what I found.

  1. Well… then if nothing is something then does that defy it’s whole meaning?
  1. If you…I guess …dreamt of nothing, then if any, what emotions would you have for it. Would there be a certain colour to describe it? Like black or white, or is dreaming of nothing totally impossible?
  1. Do you agree with the thought that you can’t be in ‘no’ ‘thing’ because you are a thing and you can’t have thoughts because those are something as well.. .
  1. The absence of everything. No light, no air, no sound, no smell, no taste.
  1. But I like ‘nothing’ or as close as I can humanly get. When everything is out of focus, and no matter what happens, it doesn’t matter. Like walking around in a bubble. Just me, alone.
  1. I don’t honestly think we can ever experience ‘nothing’ in its entirety. When thinking about temperature, there is never ‘no’ temperature. It ranges from hot to cold (though I suppose you could count absolute zero, even space is a few degrees warmer than absolute zero). The same with sound, when there’s nothing to be heard, your ears seem to ring or hum.
  1. To describe nothing is to have or hold a mental concept of such which is then something. Thereby, in attempting to describe nothing one must fail as he or she would be describing something. It might be possible to experience nothing however, it would be impossible to describe it.
  1. It is a compound word combining the words ‘no’ and ‘thing’. It is used to describe the absence of some material object or process. There is a theory that there is some ‘thing’ everywhere, except in the presence of an absolute vacuum – but even that theory is being challenged by the theory of ‘dark matter’.
  1. Nothing is the absence of something… therefore it doesn’t really exist. The proper definition would be a void or a vacuum. But in reality, even the hole in a donut could be defined as “nothing”.
  1. Nothing is the human mind’s reasoned explanation of it’s examination of the meaning of infinity. The finite mind of man cannot fully comprehend the idea of a void.
  1. Nothing is what seems to be the absence of everything, when in fact nothing is really something or else it wouldn’t exist.
…….nothing…… =) Nothing is impossible to exist. It has to lack time and space. Everything is something.

So. There we are. Ludwig Wittgenstein, the Austrian philosopher who worked on the foundations of mathematics and on mathematical logic said: “One cannot describe nothing, we must pass over it as silence. Non-being, however, is a kind of word that can’t be described.”

Sorry I gave you nothing today.

I will try and do better tomorrow.



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