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The Editor Speaks: At last C4C become clear (almost), PPM say thank you with an attack and Mac is a believer

Colin WilsonwebThe last 24 hours has been interesting. I will start with the very last first.

This morning, after my two Editorials on the subject of why don’t the independents tell us whom they would not support if it came to an alliance formation government, iNews Cayman received a Press release from the C4C version of the Independents.

They finally made it clear that they will NOT form a Cabinet with the United Democratic Party (UDP).

Of course they have to spoil the sort of ‘olive branch’ with the totally unnecessary opening part of the last paragraph sentence, “to those candidates of The Progressives (PPM) who have approached us and who are unhappy with their party’s leadership, we welcome the opportunity to work with you in a coalition-led government ….”

Then the Progressives open up with a reasonable opening paragraph but with a barb with a last sentence, “Better late than never”.

And, of course they have to follow suit and ruin the cake with a totally unnecessary paragraph attacking the C4C with every sentence.

Here was another huge opportunity lost for both groups to show they really do put country first and would be amenable to working together.


We’ve had enough of this petty nonsense for nearly eight years. We want change and the only group that benefits from this is the UDP.

This is where the attacks should be aimed at. It is going to take a UNITED effort from the PPM and the C4C if the UNITED other party don’t get returned by default.

If you compare all three releases the UDP one gets the most points. They are laughing at both of you. Let me repeat this sentence from the UDP release.

“We will continue to watch our opponents squabble in the playground of politics” and “the truth is they are disconnected from our people”.

And Bush says he is confident he can still win. In West Bay there is no doubt he will win along with his colleagues. Bush is the real deal when it comes to being a politician. He has a large group of the faithful that no other leader has. If you don’t believe me read the number game on CNS who won the support in West Bay. It was a no contest.

The only way to defeat a polished and professional army is to show they can be beat. And if there are two or more groups not united against them as one force they will fail.

Why, oh why, can’t the C4C and Progressives see this?

Mac is a believer and he is winning even more around to that belief.





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