The Editor speaks: All Cayman’s athletes have been banned from competing world-wide

It is with much astonishment and dismay at reading a copy of a letter from the Cayman Islands Athletic Association to its members advising them that the North American Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association (NACAC) has imposed a sanction on the Cayman Islands Athletic Association.
The sanction prevents any athlete from the Cayman Islands from participating in any NACAC and World Athletics athletic event including the Olympic Games.
The sanctioned leveled against the association is in respect to refunds to be made by the CARIFTA 2019 LOC for added charges made to member federations that contravened NACAC standing policy.
The letter, dated 25th July from Lancelott Branes, CIAA President, says:
“We are aware of the severity of the sanction imposed, and do not take it lightly.”
That’s nice to know. I can only ask how on earth did this happen and why has it been allowed to reach this stage?
I find little comfort in the President’s last sentence when he says:
“We remain committed in keeping you informed on this and any other association matters.”
There is absolutely nothing in this letter saying the steps the Association is taking to remedy this matter. Nor how long the Association has known this has been brewing.
I can only imagine the bombshell our senior athletes must be feeling after they have read this. There is zero comfort in anything contained in it.
Shame and utter incompetence.