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The Editor Speaks: 12 years for gold digger but is punishment excessive?

Colin Wilsonweb2The case involving Michelle Bouchard, who was found guilty last week after stealing almost $4 million from retired property developer James Handford has made headlines around the world.

“If I do have sex with him, I want some serious compensation,” Bouchard is quoted as asying. The “him” being Handford who employed her initially for her Interior Designing talents. He seemed to be besotted with her.

He helped her. Gave her money. Opened up a joint account with her. But that was not enough. Bouchard was found guilty of stealing nearly $4M from her benefactor by forgery.

Bouchard was a gold digger of the highest standards and managed to send some of that money off island so there could be a nest egg waiting for her when she leaves prison.

Her sentence was 12 years imprisonment at a not very nice prison facility in the Cayman Islands – Fairbanks.

Her lifestyle has now changed considerably with her companions now mainly druggies, petty thieves and unfortunately mentally ill persons who shouldn’t be there at all. However, despite the boastful high standard of living from our government officials, we do not have a suitable mental health facility.

But that is another story….

I am asking if the 12 years Bouchard received is a fair and just sentence?

On the face of it I would say “yes”. It is when you delve further into the facts that questions pop up immediately and one asks perhaps 12 years is excessive.

It is what you compare it with.

Last June a man was jailed for 10 years for raping a tourist. There are many other sentences ranging between 10 -15 years for rape and indecent assault including similar crimes against minors.

The same range of sentencing has been given to robbers brandishing weapons including firearms.

The mental suffering on the victims is not measured in the sentencing as the damage done to the innocent is often for life.

In the case of Bouchard there was nowhere near the same degree of mental suffering to the elderly man who wanted sex with her.

I, therefore, have to query the time to be served when I look further into the gold mine.


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