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Cayman Islands URCO now operational

The Ministry of Planning, Lands, Agriculture today (Friday, 3 February 2017) announced the establishment of the Utility Regulation and Competition Office, known as OfReg. Cabinet decided to establish the multi-sector regulatory agency, following an evaluation by the Ministry of the…

Cayman Islands Ministry Of Planning, Lands, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure establishment of the “Utility Regulation and Competition Office”

In the next sitting of the Legislative Assembly in October new legislation will be considered to establish a multi-sector regulatory agency to be known as the Utility Regulation and Competition Office. URCO which will assume the responsibilities and functions currently…

Caribbean News iBusiness iCommunity iFinance iLocal News News Publisher's Choice

Cayman Islands Ministry of Planning, Lands, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure Establisment Of The “Utility Regulation And Competition Office”

The Cabinet decided to enact new legislation to establish a multi-sector regulatory agency to be known as the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (URCO) which will assume the responsibilities and functions currently carried out by Information Communications Technology Authority (ICTA)…