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No racism in refuge: call the E.U. out!

From Monica Burns, Freedom United The last three weeks have been a testimony to human solidarity. As images of crumbling cities and videos of fleeing families flooded our screens, the European Union moved swiftly to welcome Ukrainian refugees.   “Everyone who…

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The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court brings Golden Anniversary Celebrations to an Official Close

ECSC Media Statement Monday, March 26, 2018 — The closing ceremony of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations was held on Thursday, 22nd March 2018 at 5:00 p.m., at the Finance Administrative Centre (FAC) Conference Facility, 5th Floor, Finance Administrative Centre,…

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Message from the Minister of Education, Employment and Gender Affairs on International Literacy Day in the Cayman Islands

8th September, 2015 Today, countries all around the world are honouring “International Literacy Day.” As Minister of Education, Employment, and Gender Affairs, I join with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and all its partners around the…