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Information Commissioner

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End in sight for pirate film booty stoush

By Sarah Motherwell From The Sydney Morning Herald Dead men may tell no tales but Screen Queensland is determined to keep quiet about how much it paid for Disney to set course for Gold Coast studios. The state government body…

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Cayman Islands Chief Justice rules in favour of government who say Immigration regulation changes coming …

GRAND CAYMAN, Cayman Islands – Following an extensive period of consultation, Cabinet will shortly consider amendments to the Immigration Regulations that, once approved, will allow the various Immigration boards to continue processing applications for permanent residency and for the Immigration…

Information Commissioner re-evaluates public authority websites

As the internet has quickly become one of the first places people in the Cayman Islands look for information about their government, the Information Commissioner’s Office has conducted an investigation of the content and accessibility of public sector websites as…

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The Editor Speaks: If I tell you the earth is flat – it’s flat!

If I tell you the overarching Ombudsman Law is a much better option than the two present separate Office of the Information Commissioner and Office of the Complaints Commissioner – it is! And this Ombudsman, whoever he/she will be will…

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The Editor Speaks: Government departments are masters of stalling

Back in 2009 Iain Franklin from the Director of Lands & Survey wrote a Memo to the Financial Secretary, Director Budget Management Unit re Stamp Duty on Residential Leases. See attachment. Franklin was pursuing the “lack of enforcement of Stamp…

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Cayman Islands Cabinet gives green light for Office Of Ombudsman

Cabinet has agreed to the outline business case for the establishment of an Ombudsman’s Office. This gives a green light for work to begin to combine the Office of the Complaints Commissioner and the Information Commissioner’s Office to form the…

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Freedom of Information – Statement from the Cayman Islands Governor’s Office/Reply from John Evans

Her Excellency Governor Kilpatrick has considered the latest ruling of the Information Commissioner (15 February 2016) on the disclosure of both a complaint made by Mr Martin Bridger and Mr Martin Polaine on the police investigation that became known as…

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The Editor Speaks: Dark clouds looming

I have been a supporter of most of this government’s running of the Cayman Islands affairs but one area I am deeply opposed is in the Freedom of Information (FOI). They want to combine the two departments of the Information…

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Cayman Islands Governor says “NO” to ICO FOI Tempura Decision – seeks Judicial Review

From the Governor’s Office Operation Tempura – Response to Information Commissioner’s Freedom of Information Decision “I have considered the Information Commissioner’s Ruling of 10 July which ordered the disclosure of a complaint made in relation to Operation Tempura and my…

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Cayman’s ICO overturns Governor’s office decision to withhold “Tempura” records

Acting Information Commissioner, Jan Liebaers, in a written decision on 10th July has overturned “the decision of the Governor’s Office to withhold the requested records by virtue of section20(1)(d)of the Freedom of Information Law 2007,and require  the Governor’s Office to…