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Elon Musk

Tesla parts ways with chipmaker behind its Autopilot system

By Andrew Dalton From engadget In the wake of a fatal Tesla Model S Autopilot accident in Florida, the all-electric automaker has announced it is parting ways with Mobileye, the company behind the image recognition hardware that powers the semi-autonomous system….

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Here’s Elon Musk’s plan to transform Tesla into an energy company

By Cadie Thompson, Tech Insider From Business Insider Tesla Motors has big plans to expand its business and make it incredibly easy for you to generate your own energy — for electric cars and your entire home. The automaker announced on…

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Tesla hopes cars will drive themselves cross-country by 2018

By Jon Fingas From engadget You could ask your EV to travel from coast to coast, if you’re willing to wait. Tesla only just introduced the ability to summon your car from its parking spot, but it already has much, much…

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SpaceX capsule returns to Earth loaded with lab results

From Discovery SpaceX’s unmanned Dragon spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific Ocean on Saturday carrying a heavy load of NASA cargo and scientific samples from the International Space Station that experts hope could yield significant results. A boat was ferrying…

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With no flames, but plenty of sparks [electric car race]

By Adario Strange From Mashable Mixing perilous motorsports and environmental awareness sounds cool, but in the end, no amount of earth-loving eco-tech can defy the realities of racing — namely crashing. The FIA Formula E Championship in Beijing, which only…

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Here’s the problem with self-driving cars becoming a mainstream reality

By Jay Yarow From Business Insider Google held a press briefing on self-driving cars recently. At the end, it gave journalists rides in a self-driving car. The technology that powers Google’s self-driving car is so impressive, and so magical, that…

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Elon Musk will launch the heaviest rocket in existence

By Jim Edwards  From Business Insider — and yes, it can  reach Mars  To see SpaceX’s animation of how the Falcon Heavy will look see website Later this year, Elon Musk’s private rocket company, SpaceX, will launch a test flight…

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Another Tesla caught on fire while sitting in a Toronto garage

By Linette Lopez  From Business Insider Earlier this month, a Tesla Model S sitting in a Toronto garage ignited and caught on fire. The car was about four months old and was not plugged in to an electric socket, says…