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Doris Day

Doris Day, Hollywood actress and singer, dies aged 97

From BBC Hollywood legend Doris Day, whose films made her one of the biggest stars of all time, has died aged 97. The singer turned actress starred in films such as Calamity Jane and Pillow Talk and had a hit…

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Doris Day, 97, misses working with Rock Hudson

By Solange Reyner From Newsmax Iconic actress and singer Doris Day, who turned 97 on Wednesday, says she misses working with Rock Hudson and lists “Calamity Jane” as her favorite film of all time. “I had such fun working with my…

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The Editor Speaks: The leaky walls of secrecy

The exposé of the Panama Papers that has made headlines all over the world and has made many companies very nervous here should not have been a surprise. The advocacy group Global Financial Integrity has brought hearts beating and palms…