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Action Plan

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OECS to establish Green-Blue Economy Strategy and Action Plan with CANARI

OECS-CANARI Joint Media Statement Thursday, July 25, 2019 — The OECS Green-Blue Economy Strategy and Action Plan –the first of its kind in the Caribbean and globally to combine green and blue economy strategies for sustainable development –will be advanced under a Memorandum of…

Cayman Islands Chamber meets with Governor Roper

The Chamber Council met with His Excellency Governor Martyn Roper on 12th December and exchanged views on a range of issues from public safety to the recent talks with UK Parlimentarians in London. It was the first formal meeting between…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iCulture iLocal News iWorld News News

CARICOM fine-tuning financing mechanisms for Cultural Industries

As the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) continues to create the enabling environment for Cultural Industries to thrive, people involved in the creation, production, and distribution of cultural products could soon access additional sources of financing. Dr. Hilary Brown, Programme Manager for…

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Cayman Islands Chamber Council provides update on Advocacy Agenda & Action Plan

The Council held separate meetings recently with Cabinet, the Minister of Commerce and the Leader of the Opposition. During each of the meetings President Paul Byles and Council members provided an update on the progress that has been achieved to…

Cayman Islands Chamber Executive Committee meets with Opposition Members

President Paul Byles and members of the Chamber Council’s Executive Committee met with Opposition Members of the Legislative Assembly for the first time since the election on February 6 to seek support for the Chamber’s Advocacy Agenda and Action Plan….

Cayman Islands Minister Hon Roy McTaggart speaks at Caribbean Statisticians Meeting

Keynote Remarks By Honorable Roy McTaggart Minister for Finance and Economic Development At the Opening Ceremony of the 42nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of Caribbean Statisticians 9:00-10 AM, 23rd October 2017 Marriot Resort, Grand Cayman Dr. Harrison and staff…

Maria Zingapan speech at Caribbean Statisticians Meeting in Cayman Islands

Welcome Remarks by Ms. Maria Zingapan, Director, Economics and Statistics Office – Cayman Islands At the Opening Ceremony of the 42nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of Caribbean Statisticians 9:00-10 AM, 23rd October 2017 Marriott Resort, Grand Cayman With the…

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80% of Cayman public/organisations do not want ownership register

The Cayman Islands Government today (December 30 2014) issued a report stating that it will continue its current method of providing beneficial ownership information to law enforcement, tax and regulatory authorities, as the method adheres to global standards. As explained…