Plastic Free Cayman volunteers clear Turtle Beach
From Plastic Free Cayman

Each year Plastic Free Cayman organises volunteers at Turtle Beach just off of Sand Hole Road in Westbay in order to clear the coastline just before turtle-nesting season begins. With climate change progressing, nesting season continues to occur earlier, with some of the earliest nests beginning in March. Having been designated a major turtle monitoring site three years ago, Plastic Free Cayman continues to help remove marine debris including microplastics from this area, so that sea turtles can have a safe stretch of beach for healthy nesting.

Clean up coordinator Sophie McBride stated that, “Turtle beach, although unknown to many, is such an important beach to protect. At the end of Sand Hole Road this coastline is a notable area for turtle nesting. It was inspiring to see 40 volunteers out there early on a Sunday morning, the majority of which were students.”

With many volunteers from Protect Our Future and CHHS Leo Club, representatives from Jeep 345, along with families and members of the community, PFC managed to remove 336 pounds of trash off of the beach, mostly plastic.
PFC was joined again by regular volunteer, videographer and founder of ‘The Naughty Nomad,” Jon Schutte. Whose images continue to educate our community on the need to refuse single use plastic, make sustainable lifestyle choices and the importance of community cleanup events.

Plastic Free Cayman is always open to suggested locations and community input for future clean ups. Please contact [email protected] for all inquiries and suggestions.
IMAGES: Jon Schutte