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Milk-Thistle20 herbs that act as natural birth control

By Jenny Smith From Olwomen

Children are adorable and cute, but there is always a right time for a couple to have them. It is highly recommended that pregnancy always be planned. Sometimes a couple isn’t ready to have a baby but the woman ends up getting pregnant. Doctors prescribe pills and medications for birth control which can cause side effects in the long run. It is better to resort to natural means, Use herbs that act as natural birth control; these natural contraceptives will help you prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Some herbs function to stimulate menstruation and prevent implantation. A few even prevent fertilization and others act as abortifacients. Herbs and natural methods for contraception have been in use since ancient times because of their effectiveness. Other methods of contraception such as pills, patches and vaginal rings have been associated with health risks. Therefore, the safer and risk-free option is to use natural methods of birth control.

Herbs such as Blue Cohosh, Neem, Queen Anne’s Lace and Ginger root are known to act as natural birth control.

“Natural methods are always better than medical ones, use herbs that act as natural birth control to prevent unplanned and unwanted pregnancy.”

20. Queen Anne’s Lace
Queen Anne’s Lace Queen Anne’s lace is an herbal contraceptive/ birth control. It is also called as wild carrot. It prevents pregnancy at the implantation stage.

The seeds present in the flower of this plant act as the birth control. They disrupt progesterone synthesis, which is an important hormone in the female body needed for implantation. Recent studies show that this natural method is very effective. The egg gets fertilized but is unable to implant itself on the uterus wall.

You may experience constipation for a few days. It is recommended that people with kidney problems or gallstones not use this herb.

Extract the seeds from the plant.
Eat 1 teaspoon of seeds within eight hours of unprotected intercourse.
Eat 1 teaspoon daily for a week.
Chew the seeds well for maximum effectiveness.
Stop usage immediately if you start experiencing problems.

19. Blue Cohosh
Blue Cohosh Blue Cohosh is another effective herb that acts as a birth control. It also helps in various gynecological issues. Excessive usage of the herb does lead to side effects, so it is better to consult a doctor or an herbalist before intake.

The root of the plant is used; it contains two uterine contracting substances. One substance acts very much like the hormone oxytocin and the other is a saponin called caulosaponin.

It is recommended that the intake of blue cohosh be no more than 1 teaspoon three times a day or no more than 300mg to 400mg daily.

Blue cohosh can also be ingested in tea form.

Boil 4 cups of water.
Add one teaspoon of blue cohosh into the boiling water.
Stir well and let the tea steep for 5 minutes.
Drink the tea while it is warm, take small sips.
Continue drinking this tea (no more than three times per day) until your monthly period or menstruation starts.

18. Penny Royal
Pennyroyal This herb has been used as a natural birth control by the ancient Greek and Romans. Penny royal herb helps promotes and initiate menstrual bleeding, this prevents unwanted pregnancy. Mostly penny royal is prescribed in combination with some other herb, such as blue cohosh.

Penny royal has a lot of dangerous side effects; it can cause liver damage and kidney damage along with the failure of other organs. The nervous system is also at a risk with the usage of this herb. A lot of precautions should be kept in mind. Do not drink more than three cups of penny royal tree in six days; control the amount of tea that you drink. Stop usage of this herb immediately if you start feeling unwell.

Avoid the intake of penny royal tea if your menstrual period is 10 days late or more.

Boil one large cup of distilled water on the stove.
Remove the boiling water from heat and add one teaspoon of penny royal to the water. (Both dried and fresh leaves of penny royal can be used)
Stir the solution and allow it to stand for 10 to 15 minutes.
Strain the tea.
1 teaspoon of honey can also be added.
Drink the tea instantly after unprotected intercourse.

17. Neem
Neem Neem is more commonly called as ‘Indian lilac’. It is widely used by men and women. It is the commonest natural birth control method. It helps prevent unwanted pregnancy in females by decreasing the motility of sperms and thereby preventing fertilization.

Neem can be used in three different forms for birth control: Neem leaves, neem oil and neem leaf extract. These three forms of neem have proved to be successful.

Neem oil can put a stop to fertility in females for a year, if a small amount is injected at the junction where the uterus and fallopian tubes meet. Neem oil does not alter the menstrual cycle or ovarian cycle.

Neem oil can also kill sperms in the vaginal area within 30 seconds. Neem promotes reversible and temporary sterility in males if neem leaf tablets are ingested daily. It has no effect on sperm production or sex drive.

Neem also has a protective function; it protects the female body from vaginal and sexually transmitted diseases. Neem is great because it has many functions and no side effects; it has anti-viral and anti-biotic properties.
16. Buckwheat
Buckwheat Buckwheat is a common herb used to prevent or terminate unwanted pregnancy. It interferes with the normal hormone levels. Buckwheat contains the compound Rutin, which prevents implantation form occurring. 500mg of buckwheat can be taken regularly.

This herb is effective before and after unprotected intercourse. It does not have any side effects, and is therefore the perfect choice of natural birth control.

15. Asafoetid
Asafoetid Astofoetid has a pungent and overpowering odor. It originates from Iran.

Recent studies and tests suggest that this particular herb can prevent conception and induce abortion in an individual. Asafoetid juice every month with water is the recommended intake.

14. Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh Black Cohosh is an herb that offers maximum effectiveness when taken in conjunction with another herb, such as penny royal. Both penny royal and black cohosh work to prevent pregnancy and induce abortion.

A doctor or herbalist should be consulted for the dosage of these herbs.

13. Stoneseed Root
Stoneseed Root Stoneseed root is a very powerful herb; it is regarded as one of the most effective herb for birth control.

Take some cold water.
Add stoneseed root to the cold water and let it steep for several hours.
Drink one cup regularly for six months.
Some women breathe in the smoke of this plant as it promotes sterility. It is worthwhile to mention that stoneseed is a very powerful herb and its effects are mostly irreversible. An herbalist should be consulted before use.

12. Jack In The Pulpit Root
Jack in the Pulpit Root Jack in the pulpit root is another powerful method for natural contraception. It is not as powerful as stoneseed root. Unwanted pregnancy and conception is prevented up to 1 week following intake.

Take half a cup of cold water.
Add 1 teaspoon of the dried powdered jack in the pulpit root.
Mix well.
Strain the solution and drink this tea.

11. Thistles
Milk Thistle Thistles were used by Quinault Indians. This herb promotes reversible sterility.

The entire plant is placed inside boiling water. The water develops a very bitter taste. This bitter tasting liquid is then consumed after straining.

“Pregnancy should always be planned, use herbs that act as natural birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Do not become a parent if you aren’t ready.”

10. Smart Weed Leaves
Smartweed Leaves Smart weed is a very common weed that grows all over the world. It is not limited to any specific region. Smart weed contains three components that interfere with early pregnancy. These components are rutin, quercitin, and gallic acid.

This particular herb promotes menstrual bleeding and is also useful if your period is late.

Boil 4 cups of water.
Add four ounces of fresh smart weed leaves to the boiling water.
Strain this drink and consume until menstruation starts.

9. Rue
Rue Rue is an herb used widely by females in tea form as a natural birth control. It is an abortifacient. Rue contains two components that are known to induce early abortion. One of these components is Philocarpine and the other is Rutin. Rutin stimulates the release of adrenaline; adrenaline decreases capillary permeability in the uterine tissues and this causes changes in the endometrium which interfere with implantation.

Boil a cup of water.
Add 2 teaspoons to an empty cup and pour the water over the herb.
Let the tea steep.
Drink while warm.
Drink the tea 2 to 3 times a day.
Do not boil the herb with the water as that will interfere with the properties of the herb.

8. Ginger Root
Root of Ginger It is hard to believe that ginger, a common household ingredient commonly used in various dishes could help prevent unwanted pregnancies, but it can. Ginger root can help stimulate menstrual bleeding.

Boil a cup of water.
Wash your ginger and grate it.
Add grated ginger to the water.
Boil for a couple of minutes.
Let the tea steep for 5 minutes and then strain it.
Enjoy your hot ginger tea.
Drink at least 2 cups of ginger tea everyday to stimulate menstrual bleeding. This tea is also useful if your period is late.

7. Vitamin C
Vitamin C Vitamin C is used to prevent conception. It is a component of many herbs. It is taken as an emergency contraceptive; the ascorbic acid interferes with the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is very important as it functions to prepare the uterus for pregnancy and helps to maintain it.

Most women place a tablet of vitamin C inside the vagina, as that promotes an acidic environment. Sperms cannot survive in an acidic environment, they need alkalinity. However, this method is not practiced as widely anymore.

Vitamin C should not be taken in excess, as overdose of this particular vitamin can have short term and long term side effects. Consult your doctor as to what herbs contain high quantities of vitamin C.

People who take anti-coagulants or who have sickle cell anemia should avoid this natural birth control method.

6. Wild Yam
Wild Yam Wild Yam has widely received mixed reviews, many achieved positive results with it and many achieved negative results. It is very hard to rely on wild yam alone for birth control. This particular herb needs at least one or two months before it starts functioning as birth control.

Success and failure go hand in hand with this herb.

Wild yam should be taken daily.
The dozes should be twice per day.
Do not skip any day, the doses should not be forgotten as they will delay the effectiveness of this herb.

5. Angelica / Dong Quai
Angelica Dong Quai Angelica is an herb used as natural birth control. It is present in three varieties – Chinese, American and European. The Chinese herb is called Dong Quai, while the American and European herb is called Angelica.

Angelica is a powerful herb used by women around the world to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It stimulates menstruation and thereby terminates pregnancy. It has shown good results for delayed menstruation as well. The herb has also been used by midwives to stimulate the release of a retained placenta.

The Chinese species – Dong Quai has two different contradictory effects on the uterus. It can both stimulate the uterus and inhibit its contractions. These effects of Dong Quai depend upon the volatile oils present within the root. Dong Quai can be used both as decoction or capsules.

Women who have a heavy menstrual flow should refrain from using dong quai as that can make the bleeding even heavier. There is also a risk of hemorrhage associated with regular use of this herb. People with a history of diabetes, heart attack or cancer should steer clear of this herb.

4. Apricot Kernels
Apricot Kernels Apricot kernels are suspected to have properties that help in birth control. It is believed that the anti-cancer properties of the apricot kernels prevent the fetus from developing and identify it as a foreign body.

A woman must know her menstrual cycle and the day that she ovulates. Apricot Kernels will be of little help if a woman does not know her ovulation day or when her chances of fertilization are very high.

3. Silphium
Silphium Silphium belongs to the giant fennel family, it is a rare plant used by ancient women for contraception. The plant’s usage was very effective, it was a successful contraception and this was known far and wide. The export and transportation of this herb was a very flourishing business and contributed to a lot of wealth. Silphium was not only a natural contraceptive but it was also an abortifacient – able to prevent and destroy.

The herb soon became rare in only a matter of few years, due to over-harvesting. Cultivation proved to be impossible and the herb became expensive and hard to find.

2. Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon is not as effective as other methods of natural birth control. It takes a long time before cinnamon starts functioning as a contraceptive. Regular intake of cinnamon is advised.

Cinnamon functions to stimulate the uterus. It is included in those herbs that induce miscarriage and abortion. It is better if a doctor or herbalist is consulted before the intake of cinnamon for induced abortion or miscarriage.

1. Papaya
PAPAYA.. Papaya is the fruit of choice for natural birth control. It is used extensively by women in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It has contraceptive and abortifacient properties.

Unripe papaya is used to prevent or terminate pregnancy. A ripe papaya is not suited for this job as it loses the phytochemicals that interfere with hormones. The seeds of a papaya can kill sperms. A daily intake of papaya seeds can decrease the sperm count in a healthy male. The best part is that this is reversible, the sperm count will return to normal once the intake of papaya seeds is stopped.

Take care of your diet.
Consult an herbalist or a doctor.
Stop usage immediately if you start developing problems.
Use herbs that contain high quantities of vitamin C.
Use lemon juice for unwanted pregnancy.
Use unripe papaya.
Use apricot kernels, pomegranate seeds and cinnamon.
Do a lot of research before choosing an herb.
Talk to your partner or husband about your choice of contraceptives.
Drink 2 cups of ginger root tea daily.
Do not use a ripe papaya, as it does not contain the required photochemical.
Do not drink hot boiling tea; let it cool down to a bearable temperature.
Do not continue using an herb if you start developing problems.
Do not increase the dosage of herbs more than the required amount.

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