
iLocal News Archives

Know someone addicted to Temu?

From Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United

May 5th, 2024News Digest

Forced labor

The addiction supplied by forced labor

Beware of the online shopping platform that’s unlike anything you’ve seen before. Temu introduces a risky twist to e-commerce, incorporating addictive gaming features that compel users to spend on enticing yet morally dubious deals. However, behind the allure lies a troubling reality: Temu’s products are linked to Uyghur forced labor, where every click could come at the cost of someone’s freedom. Read more…

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Human trafficking

Europe in crisis as migrant children disappear daily
Amidst Europe’s migrant crisis, 47 children vanish daily, their vulnerable status making them easy prey for human traffickers. With over 50,000 unaccompanied minors disappearing since 2021, exposing systemic failures and demanding immediate action to protect these innocents from exploitation is dire. Read more…
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Survivor stories

From modern slavery to a normal life: Loretta’s story

Lured by promises of education and opportunity, Loretta’s journey from Nigeria to the U.K. transformed into a nightmare of exploitation and captivity. With immense courage, she escaped her captors, finding solace through a charity that supports survivors of modern slavery. Now working for that charity, she helps others trapped in similar circumstances.

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Ellie Finkelstein
Freedom United


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