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Key factors for impactful web design

Your corporate website often leaves the first impression of your business on potential customers, so it is essential to make the online experience worthwhile. Here are the key factors for impactful web design.

An Intentional and Balanced Color Palette

Colors are one of the first things the eyes perceive. Experts say, choosing a balanced color scheme for your website is almost as important as publishing its contents. As a rule of thumb, use your company logo or corporate identity colors. It is helpful that you incorporate your design with your website for continuity and brand identity. However, the number of colors you incorporate into your design is also an essential factor. Too many colors become visually distracting, so most modern website designs opt for only two to three major colors throughout the site.

White Space—Lots Of It.

While many would assume that white space in a website might appear empty or bland, experts say this modern website design element is attractive and refreshing to the eyes of users. White space serves as the buffer between all the items on your page, including copy, sidebar, margins, etc., allowing your customers to pause and absorb all the information, one digestible section at a time.

Moreover, an adequate amount of white space further balances the color palette of the website, leading to a cleaner and more contemporary, minimalist, and elevated visual language.

Calls to Action

A call to action, or CTA, is a button or interaction on your website that encourages users to take immediate action and convert. Common examples of website CTAs are “Read More,” “Download Here,” or “Buy Now.”

The key is to continuously test what works best for your website and your audiences, such as the placement, size, and color schemes. Additionally, keep in mind that these should be strategically placed and well-incorporated throughout your website design.

Use the Right Images

Part of creating a balanced look for your web design is including supplementary imagery that effectively supports your site copy. However, not only is it crucial to use imagery that is pleasant to the eyes, but it is also important that the selected images appear genuine and authentic, so that customers are more likely to relate to and trust your company.

Ideally, use photos that portray images of the actual people and spaces at your company, as opposed to stock photography. This provides potential customers a genuine look at your company and culture as they assess which business will make the best fit as a partner.

Easy Navigation

A confusing and outdated website can strongly hurt how your audience perceives your brand among competitors. Providing easy navigation should be one of the top priorities in building your website to ensure that visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.

Mobile Optimization

These days, users are visiting your website via mobile significantly more than desktop. In fact, experts say that users prefer to visit websites via smartphone due to the convenience and mobility. If a website is not smartphone friendly, it is likely that potential customers may be discouraged to learn more about your company online.

Websites are meant to connect your brand with the people who are interested in your content, products, and services. It is important to convey your expertise and brand message in a way that is relatable and visually-engaging. When implemented properly, these critical factors of web design can help improve website traffic and engagement, which in turn can increase customer conversion and revenue for your business moving forward.

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