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Is Greenlight Capital Re Ltd Stock a Sell after Ian Isaacs’s Insider Sale?

greenlight-capital-re-ltd-logoBy Winifred Garcia From Press Telegraph

Ian Isaacs Insider Sell

Insider sale amounting to close to $257,358 USD was made public online in a report submitted to the Security and Exchange Commission on 08/09/2016. According to which, Ian Isaacs, the director of Greenlight Capital Re Ltd also an insider of the Cayman Islands-based company had unloaded a total of 12,000 shares – ( at $21.4 for share ). Ian Isaacs today has rights to 86,830 shares which make up around 0.23% of the Cayman Islands-Company’s market capitalization.

The institutional sentiment increased to 1.8 in 2016 Q2. Its up 0.69, from 1.11 in 2016Q1. The ratio increased, as 5 funds sold all Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. shares owned while 20 reduced positions. 9 funds bought stakes while 36 increased positions. They now own 15.23 million shares or 6.07% less from 16.21 million shares in 2016Q1.

Addison Clark Management L.L.C. holds 5.35% of its portfolio in Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. for 168,202 shares. Bbr Partners Llc owns 721,285 shares or 2.42% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Weatherbie Capital Llc has 1.79% invested in the company for 627,419 shares. The Georgia-based Southeast Asset Advisors Inc. has invested 1.56% in the stock. Capital Returns Management Llc, a New York-based fund reported 25,700 shares.

The stock decreased 0.32% or $0.07 during the last trading session, hitting $21.7. About 53,405 shares traded hands. Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. (NASDAQ:GLRE) has risen 12.45% since February 3, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 1.86% the S&P500.

Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. is a property and casualty reinsurance holding company. The company has a market cap of $820.80 million. The Firm operates through property and casualty reinsurance segment. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s underwriting activities are classified into two categories: frequency business, which is characterized as contracts containing a number of small losses emanating from multiple events, and severity business, which is characterized as contracts with the potential for losses emanating from one event or multiple events.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “GREENLIGHT CAPITAL REINSURANCE LTD. is an AM Best A- (Excellent) rated specialty property and casualty reinsurance company based in the Cayman Islands. The Company provides a variety of custom-tailored reinsurance solutions to the insurance, risk retention group, captive and financial marketplaces. Greenlight Re selectively offers customized reinsurance solutions in markets where capacity and alternatives are limited. With a focus on deriving superior returns from both sides of the balance sheet, Greenlight Re’s assets are managed according to a value-oriented equity-focused strategy that complements the Company’s business goal of long-term growth in book value per share.”

Analysts await Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. (NASDAQ:GLRE) to report earnings on October, 28. They expect $0.47 EPS, up 107.86% or $6.45 from last year’s $-5.98 per share. GLRE’s profit will be $17.78M for 11.54 P/E if the $0.47 EPS becomes a reality. After $-1.69 actual EPS reported by Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -127.81% EPS growth.

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IMAGE: Greenlight Re logo


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