iNews Briefs, More & Community Events
Auditor General’s NBP Report Release Postponed
The press briefing scheduled for 11:00 am on Monday (10) morning relating to the performance audit report on the Management of the Nation Building Programme will be postponed to a yet to be determined date. While the Auditor General normally issues performance and public interest reports to the public about ten days after their issuance to Members of the Legislative Assembly, there is always the possibility that extra time may be needed to have all Members informed. In this instance, we have decided to delay the issuance of this important report to give Members more time for their review before making the report public.
Community Events
Department of Labour Closure Friday Afternoon
The Department of Labour and Pensions will be closed at 12:30pm on Friday, 7th August 2015 to facilitate a staff function. The office will re-open to the general public at 9:00am on Monday, 10th August 2015.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
2015 Orientation Dates for Cayman Islands Government Schools
Released on behalf of the Education Ministry.
District Administration Calendar of Government and Community Events
The District Administration Calendar of Government and Community Events is published by District Administration to promote local events and activities. With immediate effect, submissions to the Cayman Brac & Little Cayman Community Calendar should be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 948-2506, attention Chevala Burke. All items should be submitted before the 27th of every month in order to appear in the following month’s calendar.
Back To School Community Bash
The Back To School Community Bash is Saturday (8 Aug) from 430 — 630pm at PPM Headquarters. This event is for primary school students only.
Faith Cathedral Deliverance Center Youth Week
The Faith Cathedral Deliverance Center at 28 McField Lane in George Town presents Youth Week 2015 Sunday — Sunday at 730pm nightly.
International College of the Cayman Islands Alumni Meeting
The International College of the Cayman Islands Alumni Association will be hosting an alumni meeting at the Campus on Saturday (8 Aug) at 7pm. Call 916-5385 for more information.
Youth Week 2015
All Nations United Pentecostal Church presents Youth Week 2015 under the theme Stand Face Your Giants and Fight Sunday — Friday (9 — 14 Aug) at #23 A Woodlake Drive at 7pm nightly. There will be a motorcade Sunday (9 Aug) evening.
Church of God Chapel – George Town Camp Jam
The Church of God Chapel – George Town extends an invitation to all teens between the ages of 13 and 17 to attend Camp JAM–A creative Christian Arts Camp at the Family Life Centre, Monday — Friday (10 — 14 Aug) from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Call 949-9393 to register.
National Pensions Bill East End
The next public consultation meeting for the National Pensions Bill is Monday (10 Aug) at the East End Civic Centre at 8pm.
Cayman Islands Drug Council seeks volunteers
The National Drug Council (NDC) is seeking volunteers to help with a survey of drug use among inmates in the Cayman Islands prison system that is scheduled to take place in September.
The Cayman Islands has a high number of inmates who are in jail because drug-related crimes.
The NDC said that the results of this survey, the fourth to be undertaken with inmates, will be used to determine the programme needs within the prison population for the delivery of education, treatment and rehabilitation services for those affected by substance abuse.
“Surveys such as these contribute to a better understanding of both current and changing rates of substance use,” said Luisa McLaughlin, Research and Information Officer of the NDC. Appealing for volunteers to help with the important research, she said, “We are grateful to our volunteers … both individuals and corporations. Without their dedication this invaluable data would not be available to inform stakeholders.”
Volunteers will be needed between 8:30am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to 3:30pm during the week of 7 to 11 September to help administer the survey at the prison facilities. Lunch will be provided but volunteers are not required to attend all four days. However, all volunteers will be required to attend a training session prior to the survey.
Anyone who would like to support the initiative or has any questions is asked to contact Luisa McLaughlin at 949-9000 or email [email protected]
A robot killed a factory worker in Germany
By Nathan Mcalone From Business Insider
A robot killed a factory worker at a Volkswagen plant in Germany, FT reports. The 21-year-old worker was installing the robot when it struck him in the chest, crushing him against a plate. He died after the incident.
Prosecutors are investigating the worker’s death, but the internet has already begun to call it the first robot homicide.
A Volkswagen spokesman said this was not a robot that would work side by side with humans, and that it was meant to live in a safety cage — which the deceased worker was inside of during the installation, according to the FT report.
Twitter users were quick to point out that the name of the FT reporter, Sarah O’Connor, is remarkably similar to Sarah Connor, hero of the “Terminator” franchise. She was not amused by the barrage of tweets about “Skynet” and reminded them of the serious nature of the situation and that someone had died.
For more:
The National Trust’s Visitor’s Centre in Little Cayman has a new name – GLADYS B. HOWARD
Gladys Howard arrived on Little Cayman in 1986 and since then she has been the driving force behind the National Trust in Little Cayman.
At a ceremony held last month in her honour where nearly 170 residents were present, Deputy Premier Hon. Moses Kirkconnell said, “To see the people that flew in just for this, to see the people who made sure they were here and the people that sent in comments to be read for her this afternoon, it lets you see how really special she is and how she’s loved by this whole community. Gladys combines a can do attitude with a Cayman-Kind personality.”
In addition to the National Trust building, Miss Gladys’ accomplishments include creating the Salt Rocks nature trail and Blossom Village’s Quin-centennial Park.
Later this year, she will be inducted into the International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame.
Also present at the ceremony was Minister of Environment Wayne Panton.
Jamaica: Air traffic controllers warn of major equipment failure
From Jamaica Gleaner
The Jamaica Air Traffic Controllers’ Association is warning that Jamaica’s aviation and tourism sector could be in serious trouble if the government does not urgently address equipment challenges.
Association President, Kurt Solomon, says air traffic controllers have been complaining about the situation for years but the authorities have failed to address the issue.
Solomon says the current radio and radar systems are outdated and are known to have failures.
He says when there is failure it is difficult for air traffic controllers to effectively communicate with pilots.
According to Solomon, this failure happens from time to time with instances of significant shutdowns.
He says the last major system failure occurred last year summer which resulted in delays to some flights to Jamaica from destinations as far as New York in the United States and Peru.
Solomon says since then, some airlines have been avoiding using Jamaica’s airspace and some have reduced flights or stopped flying to the country.
He is warning that there may be a repeat if the situation is not addressed.
Cayman Islands hedge funds non-compliant for Europe
By News Aggregation Team From Offshore Bankers
Hedge Fund managers in Cayman may no longer be able to sell their funds on the European market. This comes after the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) decided not to grant a Europe-wide marketing passport to non-European countries. The decision also affects fund managers in the United States, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Currently the Cayman Islands and the other countries have to apply to national regulators in each EU member state for permission to sell their funds.
In a response to the decision the Cayman Islands government has amended its mutual funds law as well as its securities investment business law. A new opt-in regime has also been incorporated.
It is intended to help make existing funds become fully compliant under the EU passport application. The new regulations are expected to be published later this month (August).
For more:
Special effects team takes actress back in time
By Lindsey Robertson From Mashable
You don’t necessarily need a huge VFX team to create some amazing special effects.
Rousselos Aravantinos has created an amazing demonstration of an age-reduction simulation made in the VFX program NUKE. Actress Michele Valley is transformed to a younger version of her current self using post-production magic, which ends up looking pretty impressive — not that Michele needs to be de-aged at all, of course.
Now, if only this sort of visual trickery could work in real-life …
Just kidding. Lady Helen Mirren has already decided that ageism is stupid, so don’t buy into that malarky. But you can still appreciate Aravantinos’ mad skills.
Cayman Islands Appeal Judges dismiss Ming killer’s appeal
Cayman Islands Court of Appeal Judges dismissed an appeal by Raziel Jeffers to overturn one of his convictions on Friday July 24th.
Lawyers on behalf of Jeffers argued that the Judge, Malcolm Swift’s summing up of his trial was unfair and had failed to give a balanced summing up and misdirected the jury on a number of issues.
Jeffers has been found guilty at this trial of murdering Damion Ming
The three appeal court judges ruled the summing up was not unbalanced and dismissed the appeal.
Bison flips woman posing for selfie at Yellowstone National Park
Jul 22, 2015
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. — Yellowstone National Park officials are warning tourists to keep their distance after a bison flipped a woman into the air as she posed for a selfie with the massive beast.
The dangerous encounter was the fifth run-in between park-goers and buffalo this year.
Park officials said the 43-year-old Mississippi woman turned her back on the animal to get a photo with it near the Fairy Falls trailhead just outside Old Faithful. Someone nearby saw the woman and her daughter about 6 yards from the animal and warned they were too close just before it came at them.
They tried to run, but the bison caught the woman and tossed her with its head. The woman’s family drove her to a nearby clinic where she was treated for minor injuries.
“The [woman] said they knew they were doing something wrong but thought it was OK because other people were nearby,” park spokeswoman Amy Bartlett said. “People are getting way too close.”
In separate incidents earlier this year, bison gored a 68-year-old woman and a 16-year-old girl and tossed an off-trail teenager and an Australian tourist into the air.
Taking a selfie with bison seems to be a relatively popular pastime, as evidenced by the many bison selfies Mashable found on Instagram.
Five bison encounters resulting in injuries is unusual during a tourist season, Bartlett said. “We typically have one or two per year,” she said. One factor that could be contributing to added encounters is increased attendance at the park this year, she added.
The park had more than 780,000 recreational visits in June, a 17 percent increase over June 2014 and 12 percent more than the previous record set in June 2010. July and August are the busiest months of the year for tourists.
Yellowstone prohibits people from getting within 25 yards of bison and within 100 yards of bears and wolves.
Additional reporting by Mashable.
IMAGE: A herd of bison are seen on the Fort Peck Reservation near Poplar, Mont., after they were relocated from Yellowstone. IMAGE: MATTHEW BROWN/ASSOCIATED PRESS
Cayman Islands police arrest rape suspect after chase
A spokesperson for the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service said they had arrested a 22 year old West Bay man on Tuesday July 28th on suspicion of the rape of a woman at her home in the North West Point Road vicinity. The woman was alleged to have been raped at knife-point on July 23rd.
The man was the police’s prime suspect and was spotted close to Powell Smith Drive but fled when he was approached.
After a chase he was caught and taken into custody.
Victoria’s Secret serves frequent shopper with ‘divorce papers’
By Laura Northrup From Consumerist
A regular Victoria’s Secret customer in Wisconsin says that she was surprised when she brought her merchandise to the checkout at her local store, and they served her with what she calls “divorce papers,” banning her from shopping at the lingerie chain. What? What right do they have to do that? It turns out that she wasn’t just any customer.
While Victoria’s Secret and the customer disagree on many of the facts about their relationship over the years, they do agree about some things. According to a story on the case that local TV station WMTV ran, the two sides agree that:
The customer shopped at the chain online and at her local mall.
The customer bought lots of items at Victoria’s Secret.
The customer used coupons, some of which she obtained by buying them on eBay.
The customer re-sold some items that she purchased at Victoria’s Secret on eBay.
The customer had some disagreements with employees of her local stores.
Her problems with the chain date back to 2006, when she claims that the retailer began canceling her online orders and required her to sign a special form for a large cash sale when making a purchase in person.
The company served those “divorce papers” in 2014, later allowing her back in their stores. Yet the manager of the local Pink store, a Victoria’s Secret sub-brand that sells lounge and athletic clothing, still won’t allow her inside.
The question remains: is she running a small business built on large purchases and counterfeit coupons, or is she just someone who really likes a particular brand and occasionally sells online to make a little extra cash? Victoria’s Secret claims that she has taken in $180,000 by selling their merchandise on eBay, and she disputes that figure.
She filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Department of Consumer Protection, but they weren’t able to get the customer and the lingerie seller to bring the case to a mutually acceptable resolution. It might be impossible for the sides to come to an agreement when she sees herself as a loyal customer, and the retailer sees her as a reseller leeching off their business
For more :
Cayman Islands Builders’ Bill scheduled for debate this month
A proposed Builders’ Bill is scheduled to be debated in the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly when it meets on August 12th.
The Bill is an update to the law passed in May 2007 but never brought into force. The proposed bill aims to introduce a new regulatory regime, with hopes to help improve standards in the construction industry and protect Caymanian jobs.
If passed by the House the bill will establish a Builders Board of up to twelve members, who will be responsible for maintaining a register of business entities and qualified individuals in the construction field.
Hiroshima remembered as lanterns light up the night
From BBC
Residents in the Japanese city of Hiroshima are commemorating the 70th anniversary of the first atomic bomb being dropped by a US aircraft.
People across the country observed a minute’s silence at the exact time an American aircraft dropped the bomb in 1945.
As dusk fell in Hiroshima, the ceremonies culminated with the release of thousands of colourful paper lanterns on the Motoyasu river.
For more:
Cayman Islands woman with abusive husband escapes jail sentence for theft
Samantha Brown (30) admitted stealing CI$20,000 from a condo strata that was managed by Tessa Hydes Property Management, where she worked, using forged bank drafts.
However, after hearing arguments and evidence of the terrible abusive relationship she was under from her boyfriend the judge gave her a 12 month suspended sentence.
The boyfriend, Jason Jarvis is the father of two of her children. As well as being very violent he forced the woman who was in great fear to finance his lifestyle.
The stolen money was used to buy him a motorcycle and fees relating to its importation.
Police case officers said they had not seized the motorcycle because the bike had been registered in Jarvis’ name and not Brown’s. The Judge, Malcolm Swift, suggested the police might reconsider the issue as there was sufficient evidence to demonstrate the bike was the proceeds of ill-gotten gains.
Bermuda takes steps to satisfy third country requirements of Europe’s Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
From Opalesque
Opalesque Industry Update – The European Securities Market Authority is currently considering which non EU jurisdictions or ‘third countries’, may be granted passport rights under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD).
Non-EU fund managers covered by the passport will be allowed to register in one European state and market their products across other member states. Last week, ESMA issued positive advice with respect to Guernsey, Jersey and Switzerland and has indicated it intends to finalise the assessments of further groups of non-EU countries until it has provided advice on all the non-EU jurisdictions that it considers should be included in the extension of the passport. The jurisdictions to be assessed will include Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands amongst others.
Bermuda has a long history of being a robust and highly respected jurisdiction that continuously works to meet international regulations and standards. The Bermuda Monetary Authority is highly respected internationally as a strong, effective and sensible regulator. A draft bill has been introduced which will help to facilitate Bermuda’s compliance with the requirements of the AIFMD and further strengthen the Island’s ties with Europe. The bill, once in force, will amend the Investment Business Act 2003 to provide an opt-in framework for the licensing and regulation of alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs) who wish to market their alternative investment funds via the passport in accordance with the terms and conditions set out under the AIFMD.
Currently, Bermuda funds can be marketed to professional investors in EU countries under national private placement regimes and investment managers wishing to market Bermuda funds into the EU are required to comply with certain requirements. The national private placement regime is set to remain in place until 2018.
The amendments are expected to be debated in the House in Bermuda in August when MPs are recalled early, and will add further evidence of Bermuda’s strong and effective regulatory base for investment funds and international business acumen.
Cayman Islands man uses ICT services to abuse ex-girlfriend. Jailed
Sven Connor (34), admitted in the Cayman Islands Court last month to using an Information Communication Technology (ICT) service to abuse, threaten and harass a woman with whom he had been in a relationship. It was revealed Connor previous convictions for similar offenses using ICT services.
The judge, Malcom Swift, said it was difficult to think of a more serious example of abuse, threat and harassment using an ICT network. It was persistent and repeated, and the threats were to use extreme violence, including a gun, acid, and to act against the complainant’s family, he said in giving his sentence of 13 months in prison.
Caribbean Development Bank gives grant for UB improvements
From Breaking Belize News
Caribbean Dev. Bank Caribbean Development Bank gives grant for UB improvements
Sunday, July 26, 2015. BMG: The Government has won a $400,000 grant from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to undertake a comprehensive institutional assessment of the University of Belize (UB), with an eye to making it the place of choice for tertiary level education here.
The review will address the adequacy, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the corporate systems and operational procedures, and assist the institution to increase enrolment.
The University has identified the need for reviewing the current approaches to address human resource management, risk management, procurement, financial operations, and cost-recovery and income diversification strategies. UB Belize Caribbean Development Bank gives grant for UB improvements
UB is home to 80 percent of the more than 5,000 registered university students in Belize and in the last ten years has increased enrolment by 57%, though full enrollment rates in Belize still lag behind the rest of the Caribbean.
GOB will provide counterpart funding of US$88,000 for the institutional assessment.
The approval of these grant funds follows a CDB loan of US$35 million, which was approved in May 2015, to be used mainly for enhancing the outcomes at the basic education level thereby producing more students qualified to pursue tertiary level education.
UB, led by Alan Slusher, was founded in 2000 from a merger of five post-secondary educational institutions from around the country and has main campuses in Belmopan, Belize City and Punta Gorda.
For more:
Cayman Islands Ogier advises on the $150M financing of Golden Star resources
Ogier has acted for Golden Star Resources in connection with its $150,000,000 financing obtained from Royal Gold.
The $150,000,000 financing consists of a $20,000,000 term loan from Royal Gold, Inc. and a $130,000,000 stream transaction with Royal Gold, Inc.’s wholly-owned subsidiary, RGLD Gold AG.
Golden Star Resources Ltd. is an international gold mining and exploration company producing gold in Ghana, West Africa. The financing will facilitate the development of the company’s Wassa and Prestea underground mines located in Ghana.
Ogier worked with Fasken Martineau, Canadian counsel to Golden Star Resources. Managing associate James Heinicke, partner Bradley Kruger and associate Ridhiima Kapoor provided Cayman Islands advice on the financing. Bradley Kruger said: “I think we will continue to see a number of non-traditional funding transactions in the mining sector. We have the experience and expertise to assist our clients in these types of deals, in addition to capital market transactions.”
Snoop Dogg vows never to return to Sweden after being detained by cops
By Chelsea Stark From Mashable
Sorry, Swedish hip-hop fans. It seems Snoop Dogg and your country can’t mix.
The rapper posted several videos detailing an interaction with Swedish police Saturday night, after he played a concert. According to Snoop, and confirmed to Yahoo News by Swedish Police, he was pulled over on suspicion of being under the influence and then forced to take a urine test at the local police station.
While most of Snoop’s fans may not be surprised by the rapper’s apparent perma-pot haze (the man has his own line of rolling papers, for crying out loud), Swedish authorities were probably less amused. That’s because the country has some of the strictest drug laws in the world; it’s even illegal to be high there. Police are allowed to administer a urine or blood test on anyone suspected of being intoxicated from illegal substances.
Snoop uploaded videos to his Instagram account of the whole ordeal, from the arrest to when he was released later that night.
Yahoo News said the police did not release the results of the drug test.
Johnny Depp drunk disaster on Pirates Of The Caribbean 5 set

Pictured: Johnny Depp FameFlynet, Inc – Beverly Hills, CA, USA – +1 (818) 307-4813 RESTRICTIONS APPLY: NO FRANCE
By Amanda Austin From Celebrity Dirty Laundry
Amber Heard marriage woes kill the movie – a sinking ship!
Johnny Depp’s boozing and fighting with his wife Amber Heard is slowly killing Pirates Of The Caribbean. Johnny Depp has been in Australia for what seems like forever filming the latest installment of the franchise, Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. Of course his mysterious hand injury after a night of boozing, and his wife Amber Heard’s dog smuggling case have definitely slowed down production – and nearly brought it to a halt.
Pirates Of the Caribbean 5 has been pushed back so many times, we can hardly keep track of the film’s release date anymore. Originally, it was supposed to be released in the Summer of 2015, but seeing as how the Summer of 2015 is here – and they haven’t even finished filming the movie, that is not going to happen. As of right now, the International Movie Database has the premiere date slated for 2017, which seems ions away, but at this rate it will be a miracle if it is even done by then.
The production team in Australia is at their wit’s end – millions of dollars over budget and months behind schedule, they blame it all on Johnny Depp and his wife Amber Heard. Since Johnny arrived in Australia to begin filming, Amber and his drama has been causing issues on set, at one point Amber was reportedly even banned from visiting her husband at work.
An insider dished to Naughty Gossip, “Johnny has been on set as little as possible, only fulfilling his contract at the minimum level – and his mood has been completely affecting the whole operation of the production. Producers are worried that morale will be affected.” Morale is the least of their problems at this point. Pirates of The Caribbean is a complete money pit, and they are too far in that they can’t pull the plug because millions of dollars will be lost. Meanwhile, disgruntled diehard fans of the Pirates of the Caribbean blame Johnny’s new wife Amber Heard, and have taken to social media to rant that she is killing the movie.
Vicki Freed seeks names for Royal Caribbean’s robot bartenders
Vicki Freed, Royal Caribbean International’s senior vice president of sales, is asking travel agents for help naming the bionic bartenders on the Anthem of the Seas.
The submissions are already flowing in, and some of them are downright hilarious.
Freed launched the “Name That Robot” contest on her Facebook page, and is offering a free stateroom on the Nov. 8 two-night sailing after Anthem of the Seas arrives at Cape Liberty Cruise Port in Bayonne, N.J.
The contest is open July 27 through Aug. 3. The winner will be announced the week of Aug. 10.
The bionic bartenders made their debut on the Quantum of the Seas and now are found on Anthem of the Seas as well. (Click here for a summary of how these robots mix drinks and dance.)
The naming contest elicited almost 500 suggestions and comments in the first day. Several drew from the “Star Wars” theme and came up with names like “R2-drink-u.” Others reached back to beloved old TV shows and suggested “Rosie,” like the maid on “The Jetsons;” Steve Austin, the name of “The Six Million Dollar Man,” and Jamie Sommers, the name of “The Bionic Woman.”
One thought the name should be a tribute to Claudia Mitchell, the first woman to be fitted with bionic arm technology.
Various versions of bartender terminology were suggested, including “Shaken and Stirred” and “Olive and Twist.” And there was more than one patriotic entry. with one poster saying, “Since the ship’s name is Anthem I’ll go with ‘Star’ and ‘Spangled’.”
Others suggested human names such as Bart and Bob. No explanation why.
Of course, many kept with the Royal Caribbean theme, such as naming one Loyal and the other Royal after Freed’s own vow to travel agents to be “Loyal to You Always.” Other suggested Roy and Al, which equals Royal.
And one thought a little flattery wouldn’t hurt and suggested naming the bionic bartender “Vicki Freed, cause you’re RCCL’s bionic woman!”
Can’t wait to see what wins.
Caribbean-Canada emerging leaders’ dialogue co-chairs announced
By ELD Canada
Toronto, Canada – Robert Taylor, Chairman of the Board of ELD Canada, parent organization of the upcoming CCELD (Caribbean-Canada Emerging Leaders’ Dialogue) announced today that Mr. Bruce Bowen and Her Excellency Mrs. Aloun Ndombet-Assamba have accepted the roles of Co-Chair for the upcoming 2015 Dialogue.
Mr. Taylor commented, “We are thrilled to have attracted Co-Chairs of this stature for the upcoming Dialogue.”
Mr. Bowen is the Senior Vice President Caribbean Region, International Banking, Scotiabank.
Scotiabank is the presenting sponsor for the 2015 CCELD.
Her Excellency Mrs. Aloun Ndombet-Assamba is Jamaica’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom and also an alumna of the ELD program.
HRH The Princess Royal, Princess Anne is the President of ELD Canada, which is a part of the global Duke of Edinburgh Commonwealth Study Conferences.
Set to run from September 20th to October 4, 2015, the Dialogue will engage 60 future leaders from Canada and 20 countries in the Caribbean. The 2015 Dialogue will examine the transformative role that leaders play in generating, managing and propagating innovation in their organizations and communities. It is designed to develop critical leadership skills while strengthening Canada’s global networks.
“Our local committees are working hard to ensure that the tour is seamless for all participants and provides a “real time” learning experience on every front. In addition we expect that HRH The Princess Royal will attend the closing event in Jamaica, where she will spend considerable time with each of the Dialogue teams reviewing the work that they accomplished on the tour.”
For more information on CCELD 2015 or to become a sponsor, please visit the website at
Venezuela to UN: ‘Climate Change Threatening the Caribbean’
From telesurtv
Venezuela’s foreign minister Delcy Rodriguez delivered a bold speech to the U.N. condemning imperialism and focusing on the threats faced by the Caribbean.Venezuelan foreign minister Delcy Rodriguez told the United Nations
Security Council Thursday that the biggest threats in today’s world to small Caribbean nations are the growing power of international capital and unbridled climate change.
“The threats to the small island states are the new forms of colonialism,” she said in a fiery address to the council.
The comments were made during the council’s talks on maintaining global security. During the talks, Rodriguez turned discussion towards issues faced by the Caribbean region. She argued the single biggest threat to low-lying nations is climate change.
The minister pointed the finger at developed nations for being the most to blame for rising emissions, while sacrificing the least to combat climate change. During the speech, she quoted President Nicolas Maduro as arguing that decision making power should be devolved to ordinary people. Praising initiatives such as Venezuela’s PetroCaribe oil program, Rodriguez said her country has made significant progress in liberating itself and the region from imperialism.
However, she said, “We have no doubt that imperial pretensions will continue to try to return (Venezuela) to the predatory model of natural resources”
“We have broken with the neoliberal model that oppressed our people and those of Latin America and the Caribbean,” she said.
A US$1 billion job creation fund proposed in Jamaica
From Caribbean360
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Sunday August 2, 2015 – A top official of government’s Economic Programme Oversight Committee (EPOC) has charged the private sector to work with the administration in setting up a US$1 billion fund to finance projects in high growth sectors such as business process outsourcing (BPO) and agriculture.
EPOC co-chairman Richard Byles said the US$2 billion raised on the international capital market to pay down the country’s PetroCaribe debt would provide the government with access to some US$500 million of “backup funding”, and that money could be used to implement a major job creation projects.
He challenged the private sector to step up to the plate and match that US$500 million.
“Let us have a billion-dollar fund and take that fund and invest it in projects, in economic activities that are productive, that give permanent jobs to Jamaicans,” Byles urged.
He said once members of the private sector got on board, they would have to be given the assurance that the US$1 billion would be spent “in a productive, constructive manner and not fritted away to give some jobs today and for there to be no jobs tomorrow”.
The EPOC pointed out that the construction of a technology park with some of the funds would create jobs and attract investors in the BPO sector, while investments in the agricultural sector, using technology and modern equipment, would play a key role in the country’s economic development.
Finance and Planning Minister Dr. Phillips, announced last week that the government was able to raise US$1.35 billion at a rate of 6.75 per cent and secure a 30-year issue for $650 million at 7.87 per cent, which would enable it to buy back a substantial portion of the country’s debt to Venezuela.